Scene Eleven

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After finding out that she would now be in charge of the flower shop she used to work in, Elsie spent the whole weekend planning. She refused an invite to go out to the cinema with Anya, she didn't want to lose focus.
Lucas had invested so much of his money into this that she couldn't let him down.

Monday morning came and she was up at six, then in the shop by half seven. She spent the day tidying the place, arranging it how she wanted to.

She used the old suppliers to order fresh flowers which would be delivered the next day and even managed to paint a few bits of the interior that could do with a makeover.
Because of the fact that so many things like buckets, baskets, bouquet sleeves and stands had been left behind, she felt that realistically she could be open by Wednesday.

She knew from experience that the flower deliveries usually turned up early, so tomorrow could be spent pre-making bouquets.

She definitely preferred making her own designs than free handing for clients. It was as simple as taste. She thought certain flowers looked good together and she could place foiliage in cleverly to make the bouquets look even more striking. Her bouquets had always sold well back when she used to work here, so she had faith that she could sell her work.

When she got into bed that night, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. Her head was full of thoughts about the shop and everything she still needed to do, and of course....the fact that tomorrow was Tuesday and that meant that Lucas might be coming.

She couldn't imagine seeing him again after so long. She wasn't sure if she even knew how to talk to him properly. How did you start up conversation with the man you have deep feelings for who was currently expecting a baby with another woman? How could she be casual and friendly with the man who had basically bought her a shop? The man that made her heart feel like it was going to burst out of her chest whenever he looked at her.

The night dragged as she tossed and turned, trying, but failing to get any rest. Eventually, she gave up and got to the shop at six in the morning, even earlier than the previous day. She thought she may as well make a head start with things. She waited until eight o'clock to send Lucas a quick text, asking what time he would be there. She had no reply, so she assumed he wasn't coming. She couldn't imagine Lucas actually turning up at the shop. She couldn't picture him coming into her real life. But as always with Lucas, he surprised her.

At midday, she jumped as the locked door rattled loudly with the turn of a key and swung open. She watched in half amusement, half surprise as Lucas struggled through the doorway, one hand holding what looked to be two scalding cups of coffee from the cafe down the road, the other hand clutching a brown paper bag.

She quickly smoothed down her blue jumper dress and twiddled her hair between her fingers nervously as he managed to get to the counter without dropping anything. Her breath caught as she took him in. She didn't know how it was possible that he got better looking every time she saw him, but he did. His chestnut brown hair fell softly over his head, his arms bulging underneath the plain grey t-shirt he was wearing. He flashed her a smile as he set the things down on the counter.

"Alright darlin'? How's it going?"

Just hearing his voice and seeing him in front of her made her heart race like never before.

"It's... it's going good...." She gasped as he marched behind the counter and wrapped her in a hug. She meekly put an arm around him, breathing in his scent.

"Being a manager looks good on you."

His voice was soft. He almost whispered. She gently pushed him away and rolled her eyes.

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