Scene Nine

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Elsie had been in the hotel for a few hours by the time Anya got back from her date with Adam. She could see her sister eyeing her with concern from the minute she stepped through the door. She wished she wouldn't, she was fine.

In fact, she was. At least, she thought she was. If there was one thing in life Elsie hated, it was not knowing. Not knowing if she should take a chance, not knowing if she would find a job, not knowing if her brother would survive on that dreadful night. But with Lucas, she did know. She knew now that it was over. That they would never be. And she was strangely at peace with it.

"Adam and I bumped into Lucas. He told me what was going on between you. Are you OK Elsie?"

Elsie smiled as she turned over a page of the magazine she had been flicking through but not reading.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

She didn't meet her sisters eyes. She concentrated on the picture of an a-list celebrity stumbling out of a taxi.

Anya sat on the end of the large hotel bed, frowning at Elsie.

"He screwed up real bad. And for what it's worth, he knows it. I can see how much he likes you and I barely know him."

Elsie put her magazine down and stood up from the bed, stretching.

"He didn't screw up. I told him to get back with Sophia and he did. Honestly Anya, there's nothing else to say on the matter."

"Yes but you didn't mean it. You didn't really want him to end up back with her. It's OK to show emotions Elsie, it's fine to show that you're hurt if you are."

She shrugged and decided to go put some make up on and get dressed. After all, they still had one more night in London so they might as well make the most of it.

"Where do you want to go tonight? I hear there's a popular bar on Oxford Circus. Want to check it out?"

She saw Anya nod in the mirror as she started applying foundation.

"I know the one you mean. Is it OK if Adam joins us after the show?"

Elsie smiled, pleased that Anya was getting on so well with Adam.

"Of course it is. But if you or Adam even think of inviting Lucas, I swear...."

Anya shook her head.

"He won't be coming. He's taking a few days off from the show. His understudy is playing the part again tonight."

Elsie opened her eyeshadow pallette, biting her lip in worry. He must be feeling bad if he was willing to take time off from the show. She was just wondering if she should say more when Anya dropped a folded note on the dresser, beside Elsie's make up bag. She could see her name scrawled on the front in big letters.

"He wanted me to give you this. I'm going to have a shower and let you read it in peace."

She waited until Anya had disappeared into the bathroom, then crumpled the letter up without reading and chucked it towards the bin. Then she sighed, stood up, retrieved the now crinkled paper and tucked it into her bag. Maybe she would read it one day. Maybe she wouldn't. All she knew for sure was that right now she didn't want to.

The night whizzed by as they went out and had drinks. Elsie was asked to swap numbers by two different men, but she politely refused. She had no interest in anything romantic with anyone. To her relief, Anya was correct when she said that Lucas wouldn't be turning up with Adam. As soon as she was certain he wasn't going to make an appearance, she was able to enjoy the rest of her night.

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