Scene Seven

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As Elsie and Lucas made their way through the crowded bar, she couldn't believe that this was how the night had turned out. They got lucky as they saw people leaving a booth in the corner. Lucas grabbed Elsie's hand and made her sit down on the squishy, green leather seat.

"You wait here, I'll go and get us some drinks. What are you having birthday girl?"

She told him that she would love a white wine, so he went off to the bar to queue up. She had a look at her surroundings while he was gone, feeling surprisingly cosy in the booth even though the pub was crowded. The high wooden partitions made it feel like she was the only one in there. She quickly rattled off a text making sure Anya had got back to the hotel safe. She laughed as her sister sent her a picture of herself already in bed, a plate of room service chocolate cake on her lap.

Lucas came back and placed a huge glass of wine in front of her. He had a bottle of beer for himself. She laughed as he plonked himself down right next to her, so that their legs were touching.

"What's so funny?"

He took a sip of his drink, waiting for her to answer.

"Lucas, this a booth that can fit about eight people around it. Do you really need to sit almost on top of me?"

He grinned, taking another sip.

"I don't need to sit so close, no. But I want to. Feel free to move up if you want darlin'."

She took a sip of her wine, relishing the cool, sharp crispness against her tongue. She didn't want to move away from him, but she had to remind herself that they were here as friends. She reluctantly shifted herself up the semi circle seat, smiling as he pouted. He looked unbelievably cute and it was hard not to move right back beside him.

"If that makes you feel easier, then fine. But if I get cold, it's your fault."

Elsie nearly spat her drank out.

"Cold? It's July and we are in a crowded, boiling pub. I think you'll be fine."

She rolled her eyes as he continued to pout. He looked so heart meltingly cute that she was tempted to go back to him, but she made herself stay.

"I'm sorry about your job. What are you going to do?"

She shook her head, circling the rim of the glass with her finger.

"I... I don't know." Sorrow hit her at the thought of not being able to go back into the shop. "But let's not talk about any of that stuff."

He raised an eyebrow, gazing at her.

"OK. What should we talk about?"

She found herself automatically shifting back to be closer to him. She told herself it was because she couldn't hear him very well in the busy pub, but she could hear him perfectly.

"We can always talk about how insanely good looking you are."

His eyes widened, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He had a small smile on his face, clearly taken back at her words.

"Wow. You actually complimented me. But that would be a very short conversation. I'm nothing special."

Elsie rolled her eyes and took another sip of drink. She realised it was already half gone. She would have to slow down.

"How modest of you. But you look like a movie star and you know it because I've told you before. Fine...we can change the subject. How many marriages proposals do you get a week?"

He choked on his drink as she said the words.

"I'm sorry, what?! Marriage proposals?"

"Yes. It's a simple question. You're like a rock star on stage and then you get to go and meet all of your adoring fans. You must get some."

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