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Molly smiled to herself as she read his latest email.

"You're mother was right, it is a bit shit here without you..."

It was clear he was missing her and she was looking forward to going home from a tour for the first time in years. Working with special forces had really wet her appetite for what was next for her in her military career. She'd loved every second of the covert operation and the fact that she couldn't even tell Charles where she was or what she was doing thrilled her a little. This was the direction she wanted to take.

Bones was a firm but fair leader and as gobby as he was, she gave as good as she got which he loved.
He made it clear he was interested in something when they got home, told her the ball was in her court. She enjoyed the banter between them, it was different to anything she had shared with anyone before, even Charles. She could see herself being interested in him if things with Charles hadn't progressed they way they had before she left. No one could be more surprised than she was. She had a lot of time on her hands to really think about things. She knew how it would look to people and what they would say - that she's a push over, she let him off too easily blah blah blah. But she loved him, it was as simple as that. She'd accepted at the time that things hadn't been entirely his fault, she'd forgive him anything apart from having sex with Georgie. But he was sorry, and after all these years, that was enough for her. They'd both spent long enough hurting and pining and life was too short to continue fighting it. She even found herself softening towards Georgie, something she never saw coming but if she could forgive him, maybe she could forgive her too?

She spent a considerable amount of time feeling guilty about Amy, the only innocent party in this mess. Molly felt guilty for the time she and Charles had spent sleeping together behind her back and the heartbreak she now would inevitably be going through but she wouldn't continue being his bit on the side. He owed her more than that.


"May I ask why you need this back? Please don't tell me you're planning on reusing it?" Martha James glared at her son in horror "No mother. I'm not planning on reusing Molly's rings" she saw a wave of sadness flash across his face "I know that look. What's going on in that head of yours Charles? Talk to me" he sighed heavily. "I've never forgiven myself for how my marriage to Molly ended. We've been spending time together and she still loves me... I still love her..."

Martha raised her hands to stop him "Woah, woah, woah there sunshine. There is a woman downstairs who has given up everything for you Charles. Her home, her job and her friends. She gave it all up to follow you and your career to make you happy. If you're going to let her down, do it kindly and do it quickly. No more deceit or lies or hiding things. You deserve to be happy, but so help me Charles if you hurt Molly again I'll kill you myself"

She smiled secretly to herself. He had never been the same without Molly, and she had always missed her. She'd been the making of his after that tour of Afghanistan and those terrible injuries. She some how managed to keep him afloat after a run of bad luck, she made him happy again but not even she could undo the damage of Elvis' death. He'd done well to recover mentally and although he thought he owed it all the Amy, he did it himself with her hand to hold. But she was no Molly.

He placed his hand protectively over the ring box in his pocket. Maybe he would be lucky enough to return them to their rightful owner.


The officers Christmas ball, he was fucking dreading it. Amy was late home from work so he'd had to brave an entrance to stares and whispers by himself. People still talked about him. He'd lost a lot of respect and having Georgie around the barracks didn't help. Every time they were seen speaking people raised eyebrows.

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