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She checked and double checked windows and doors before climbing into bed feeling completely unsettled.

"What is it?" Charles quizzed

"Nothin'... just feeling a bit paranoid that all"

She was feeling more than paranoid. She was convinced that someone was watching her, maybe even following her.

She pulled out her phone, firing off a text

"Something ain't right here"

Charles noticed that she tipped the phone out of his view. She was doing that a lot lately. Having what looked to be a secret conversation with someone unknown.

He was trying not to be paranoid or to 'act up' as she sometimes called it but there was a niggling inside about it.

He was the first to admit he took his frustration out of her. Learning to walk again was hard and he still couldn't quite get the hang of it so was still stuck with those fucking crutches AND a prosthetic fucking leg which he still limped on just like the old real leg that was still causing him fucking agony as if it was actually there.

She caught the look on his face as he massaged frantically at the remaining part of his leg.

"Phantom pains again?"

He just nodded and continued to do anything to ease pain in a limb that wasn't there before getting angry and swiping the crutches across the room from where they had been propped next to the bed.

"Was there any need for that?" She said softly.

"Yes. Yes there was. I'm so fucking sick of this" he shouted.

She attempted to massage away some of the tension in his shoulders before he swiped her away.

"Oi. Wind your bleedin' neck in will ya. If I wasn't here you'd be fucked"

She cringed at her own words fully aware of the affect they'd have. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that.. I didn't mean it" but maybe she did?

He nodded and turned his back to her, visibly hurt and frustrated in equal measures. This was how most nights ended. She felt the distance that had parted them once before trying it's best to creep it's way back in.


Learning to walk again wasn't exactly something he thought he'd be doing again at his age but here he was and he was doing and it was even harder than he'd ever anticipated. He wanted to give up. To rely on all the other walking aids he had been relying on but her beaming face at the other end of the parallel bars was enough to keep him going. All in all it was fucking humiliating.

But today had started as a surprisingly good day, mood wise. He'd even laughed a few times and shared a few jokes with the physiotherapist where he'd laughed so hard his eyes lit up, something Molly hadn't seen in a while. It was nice.

"Check you out" Molly praised as he finally made it to the end. She helped him into the wheelchair, exhausted. "I'm very slow" He panted "Its going to take time Charles. Slow and steady and all that. It will get easier I promise"

She cupped his face and watched his good mood quickly drain away. It was to be expected she thought.

"How about trying again?" It was an innocent enough question from the physio which resulted in her having her face absolutely chewed off making Milky cringe for her.

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