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Molly was watching the rain from the window when he woke. He was happy to leave her there, he had nothing to say. He'd pushed his luck one too many times when it came to his leg, and now he had paid the ultimate price.

He'd been staring at the ceiling awhile before she realised he was awake.

"Hi" she said tentatively "I would ask how you're feeling, but I'm guessing it's pretty shit. So I won't"

She sat down beside him on the bed, leaning over to press her forehead against his clammy head.
Huge, fat tears rolled down his cheeks but still he was said nothing.

She used a thumbs to wipe them away whilst giving in to her own. She couldn't imagine how he was feeling right now only that he was full of pain and grief, because that's what she imagined it would feel like. Grief.

He couldn't bring himself to even look in the direction of the leg that still felt like it was there. It hurt like it was still there too.

He refused visitors, all except for Molly. She'd already seen it so he figured there was no point pushing her away, the only reason he woke up in the morning was to see her smiling face. She was still smiling for now anyway but he was sure, eventually she'd walk.


"If you take this mission, I'll personally have your slate wiped clean. No court martial. No AWOL. Clean start, as part of special forces"

Bones held his breath, hoping she was at least considering it. In his head he was absolutely not, in any way shape or form trying to sway her away from Charles. Or was he? He knew this was exactly what she had always wanted, she had told him as much on many a drunken night they had shared each other's company. When he thought he stood a chance.

It almost looked like she was tempted until she shook her head "Charles needs me, now more than ever. So if that means I'm done with the army then so be it. I'll take whatever they want to throw at me"

"You'd throw it all away for a cheating mood hoover with one leg?" He wished he could take the words back as soon as they'd left his mouth but it was said now, he'd own it.

"How dare you?" She spat "My choice to make ain't it. Not my fault you've got a school boy crush you can't let go of. Or is it about getting one over on him? Must hurt that even in his current situation I still chose him over you"

"Ouch Dawes. Spiteful. But me and you both know, you're not a carer. You're a soldier, through and through. You'll grow resentful, it won't work and you'll both be broken all over again"

She was enraged now "He already is fucking broken. He's lost everything Scott. Absolutely everything. He can't lose me too. You know you've put an opportunity on the table that a year ago I would have jumped at. But it ain't for the right reasons, I ain't an idiot. I'm done in the army, my life is with him leg or not leg. He needs me"

He thumped his first on the table "For fuck sake Molly" she stood up to leave "Thanks for everything you've done for me. Do what you need to do in regards to the court martial - I really don't give a fuck"

She felt liberated as she stomped away, for the first time in her life she was truly in control. No army regulations were going to sway her - she'd take her punishment, no Dawes family drama to make her want to run for the hills. Her head was clearer than it had ever been, it's was time to live their life together. The one they should have been living for all these years spent apart. She would piece him back together but unlike last time, she wouldn't allow herself to fall apart in the process.

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