I Hope He's Waiting There For You [12/1/17]

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December 1st, 2017

And when you reach out for that star above
I hope you find him
I hope he's waiting there for you
I hope he really is just there
On the other side of the stars that separate you
I hope he guides you there
When you breathe your last breath
Of air
I hope he's waiting there
With arms outstretched
Waiting to hold you near
I hope you have nothing to fear
And I hope you forget your pain
When you finally see him again
I know how much you miss him
I know how much you love him
And although I don't quite grasp the pain you feel from the loss of him
I hope he's patiently waiting there
The way your imagination paints him there
Just on the other side
Of that veil made of starlight
Waiting for that day or night
Where you finally escape your life
And join him behind the light
I hope he's waiting there
With more love for you than when he wasn't there
Than when he was right here
Heart beating
I know he's waiting there
The man I never met
The man that I know probably hated me
Because he didn't believe that girls should date girls
The man that loved you more than anything in the world
The man that was your world
Your father
I hope that you,
His daughter
Will find him waiting patiently behind his veil of stars
More proud of you than he's ever been
And please, when that veil starts to thin
Don't forget to look for him

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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