October 1975

389 7 0

"Let me get this straight Potter wants date me; then he needs to grow up." Lily let a giggle out as Narcissa was rubbing cream on her elbow after a horrendous training session for the championship. They were in library doing essay for Professor Slughorn for potions.

Potter had taken his temper out on her as Lily had again ignored his pleading to date her. Narcissa would of laughed , if she had not received a boot aimed deliberately in her ribs from her cousin and she should not off retaliated by sending the bat bogey hex at him whilst they were on brooms mid air. Which had resulted in Sirius being sent the hospital wing.

James had come over to her and screamed bloody murder at her while she was being seen too in the hospital wing that very afternoon. she had been sent joint hollowers from her mother and aunt  on Monday morning .Treating to have her removed from the Quidditch team, if she couldn't control her behaviour and no mention of Sirius in either hollowed.

Madam Hooch had overruled that one as she believed Narcissa was one of the best Quidditch players even if Potter and her cousin were trying to get her kicked off the team and the entire school.

"Don't why Sirius has to be such a pig to you?" Lily said as she saw Potter strutting through the school gloating as he strode through a group of first years on the way in the astronomy tower after Herbology.

"I asked him to stop being such a pig to you."Lily said as Narcissa winched in pain as she bent over to pick her quill up. Lucius was slaughtering towards them as her pale blue eyes went wide as she hissed at Lily to warn her as she watched him getting closer.

"Cissa. what is it?" Lily asked as she looked up and picked the pile of heavy books up in time as Lucius had his normal attitude towards Lily.

"Why was the mudblood talking to you?" Lucius said as he pushed his blonde hair out the way.

"S.s.she w.w.was o.only b.being h.h.helpful." Narcissa said cursing her stammer as she spoke to him. Let the idiot stammering Narcissa out in front of the school most eligible bachelor she groaned inside. Lily had scurried off towards a group of Ravenclaws and gryffindors at another table in the library.

"Somehow I don't believe you?" Lucius said as he watched her disappearing to a table in the corner away from most the students.

"What makes you think I like her, she's a muggle born for Merlin's sake." Narcissa said as she frowned and tipped her head; he couldn't, could Malfoy do that? She shut her mind down to him. She hated the whole occulmancy thing as Bellatrix liked to use as mind rape when Andromeda and she kept secrets from their older sister.

Her hand trembled as she looked at Lucius trying to see if he was reading her mind. She had asked professor Dumbledore how to stop her sister from doing it. It had not surprised Professor Dumbledore to learn that Bellatrix had become skilled it and he had given her lessons during the end of her second year. Narcissa had learnt how to block her memories of Lily as she terrified Bellatrix would attack her friend.

"What's the matter ?" Lucius asked her as Narcissa packed her books and quill up. She grabbed her wand as she went out of the library. She hurried down towards the basement to the Slytherin common room as she threw her bag on her bed.

There was terrified scream from a first-year girl as Narcissa stood a listened her hands trembling as she heard the manic giggles of her older sister, Bellatrix had madness about her which had scared her since she was able to see what Andromeda had seen in their elder sister and felt her hair stand on end on the back of her head.
The laughter was amplified throughout the school ground. Where the teachers and most of all Dumbledore?

They had run down to the basement and to the common room
Lucius had followed her as he stared at the ceiling of the common room , a high cold voice floated through the school as Narcissa as she went to the first year girl; she had not known by name until then as she shivered again with fear as Lucius chewed his thumb nail as he listened to voice echoing throughout the school.

Questionable - Narcissa Malfoy nee BlackWhere stories live. Discover now