Chapter 10

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Berk was busy making a new adjustment. Dragons were now welcome on our little island and it soon got very crowded. My mother and I had a small debate about my new dragon friend, but finally, I convinced her to let me keep her; as long as she stayed outside the house.

I walked toward the barn, looking for my friend. "Girl?" I asked, refusing to use the name I had picked out for her. I had promised myself I wouldn't begin to call her by it until I had told Hiccup.

The dragon suddenly dropped to the ground in front of me from the roof. Her tongue hung out of her mouth and she bounced around playfully. I yelped at first, surprised, but smiled and ran ahead of her, hearing her claws on the dirt from behind. She chased me around the barn and tackled me, her strong legs pinning me to the ground as she licked my face affectionately.

"Eew!" I laughed, wiping my slimy face with my sleeve. "You know how much I hate that." I pushed her off of me, still wiping my face when Snotlout and his Nightmare suddenly flew over us from the sky above.

"Hang on, kids!" He shouted.

I ran after him. "Snotlout, you're going to fast! That turn is going to throw a few riders." The sandy colored dragon who I call my own, ran over as if telling me to get on. I hopped onto her back and held on tightly as we flew after them.

He made the turn, throwing off two children from the Nightmare's back. They catapulted into the air screaming as I flew under them and smiled as they dropped behind me onto the saddle I had designed, cheering excitedly. "Take us down, girl," I patted the dragon's head gently and she flew us onto the grass.

The little Vikings slipped to the ground, running off toward the chief's house. "Hiccup!" They squealed as they ran, causing my eyes to look that direction as I got down as well. A lump formed in my throat as I saw him looking at me from the outside of his house.

My dragon nudged my leg, knowing my thoughts and I ran as fast as I could. He's awake! He's actually awake! I ran for what seemed an eternity, my heart leaping from my chest with every step. He struggled to walk toward me with the new mechanical foot he had as a substitute for the one he lost.

The space closed between us and I hugged him tightly. "Hiccup!" I pulled away, taking his face in my hands. "You're awake! How are you? Is your foot okay? Do you have a headache? How are you feeling? Are you—"

"Marish," he interrupted my rambling with a smile. "I'm fine. My foot hurts a bit, but I'm fine." My hands dropped to my side as I smiled with a blush in return.

Stoick walked over and put a hand on both of our shoulders, speaking to Hiccup, "She's checked on you everyday while you were in bed and taken care of Toothless for you, too."

"Thank you," Hiccup smiled and noticed my dragon friend. "And who's this?" He put a hand on her head.

"This is a dragon I found while we fought the Red Death," I informed him. His father left us alone and shooed away the children. "Fishlegs and I have decided to call her species 'Sand Wraith'."

He nodded.

"And I've thought of a name for her, but haven't told anyone." I looked at her. "I'm going to call her 'Shadow' because she sneaks up on me so much." I scratched her head playfully and laughed.

"I like it," Hiccup smiled again, wincing at the pain of his missing foot.

"You should sit down." I draped his arm over my shoulders and helped him onto the steps of the Great Hall near his house.

"I'm fine," he protested as he sat down and tried to stifle a cry in pain.

"You will be," I sat beside him, folding my hands in my lap.

I told him of the events he had missed while he was in bed as we watched Shadow play with Toothless. Berk slowly finished the day proudly with the sun sinking below the sea surrounding it and the moon rising. Dragons had become part of Berk. Part of the clan. They created a new era for Berk. The end of the beginning.

The End of the Beginning (Hiccup x OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now