Ashamed (billy andrews)

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Ya girl here likes the shitty guy so I'm starting out with him

Ya girl here likes the shitty guy so I'm starting out with him

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Most would say that Billy Andrews was the most wicked boy they have ever met. Simply put they think he belongs under the category of  "a bully." But y/n's naive and stupidly in love mind thinks the opposite. Yes, he might seem cold but in reality he's the biggest softie y/n has ever met.

They had started dating right after they shared a kiss in spin the bottle, he had asked her after school has finished and everyone had already left, saying he had liked her for awhile now and y/n happily agreed.

Y/n was confused when he said he wanted them to date in secret, but she liked him too much to say no, and so they did. They would meet up, everyday after class finishes right under a tree, in a secluded place.

Billy's entire mood had completely taken a turn when he started dating y/n. He found himself being nice to everyone, including Anne, he didn't even notice until one of his sisters pointed it out, but he just shrugged it off.

It was the same routine everyday. They would send each other loving looks while in class and when they finally get to see each other they share a sweet kiss before spending some time just talking which will lead to the subject that Billy dreaded the most, when should they go public.

Billy wanted it to be never but y/n wanted it as soon as possible, leading to a big argument where in the end she'd forgive him after he apologizes and promises soon.

But today was different, today y/n had enough. "We've been dating for 5 months, billy. You've been saying that everyday just tell me why you don't want to go public!"

Billy sighed in frustration and brushed a hand through his hair. "Lets talk about this tomorrow, right now let's just enjoy the time we have, alright?" He softly said.

Normally she would agree but she's truly sick of the same thing. "You always say that!" Y/n felt like a kid saying that but it didn't mean it wasn't true. "Are you ashamed of me, is that it?" A lump was starting to develop in her throat when he struggled to answer. "Well?" She croaked. Y/n was starting to tear up, she couldn't believe it. He was embarrassed by her for god knows why.

"Well you shouldn't worry about me embarrassing you now since it's over!" Holding back a sob, she shook her head while she slowly started to back away. "I expected a lot of things from you, Billy Andrews but this? This I didn't expect." And with that she started to run to her house, ignoring his desperate calls.

Once y/n reached her house she swiftly greeted her mom before going up to her room. Making sure she locked the door she leaned against it, slowly slipping down. She brought her knees to her chest, quietly sobbing. She thought he truly loved her...

Billy felt like screaming but he instead slowly and quietly walked to his house, looking at the ground. He didn't mean to hurt her, he only wanted to protect her.

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