B-but he's a bully! (Billy andrwes)

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I only like trash :)

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I only like trash :)

could not find a gif or create one for the life of me sooo here's the one I used before :)


Y/n was sat right next to Jane Andrews. It was now lunchtime and although y/n didn't quite enjoy sitting with all the girls, gossiping about nonsense, she did however enjoy janes company and since Jane liked hanging out with them y/n didn't see any harm in having to endure them, just for the sake of her best friend.

Y/n loved her best friend, she was the one who helped y/n confess her feelings to Billy Andrews who is now her boyfriend, all thanks to Jane of course.

"How's Billy?" Jane asked y/n, and Josie decided to chime in. "Yeah how is Billy?" Y/n blushes at the thought of him, she was more on the hesitant side when it came to talking about her personal life to her classmates, she couldn't figure out why she should tell them everything about her when they weren't even friends to begin with.

"Really good actually." Y/n smiled brightly at them. They've been dating for two months now and y/n found herself more happier each day that passes.

"I still can't believe a girl like you would end up dating a guy like him." Josie said, causing y/n to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"He's annoying. I bet all he talks about is throwing ball and hunting." Josie along with others giggled at that. "No, he's actually pretty fun to talk to."

Josie hummed, "I bet." She folded her arms. "I'm surprised he's even dating you." Y/n desperately wanted to strangle her but just took a deep breath and asked, "How so?"

"He never dated anyone, he's probably using you." y/n wouldn't let her false accusations get to her. She knew Billy liked her and was not, at all using her, she trusted him.

"I trust him, Josie. Besides there's always a first for anything." Jane gave her a supportive smile. Jane was a bit hesitant to help her best friend. Not because she didn't want her to date her brother, not at all.

She just didn't know if Billy would be good for her. After all she didn't want to ruin her friendship with her best friend because of a silly boy, but once y/n promised her, she would never leave her, Jane was happy to help.

Sometimes she did think y/n deserved better than her brother, but who is she to come between love? Truthfully Billy has been nothing but nice to her and surprisingly, to everyone else.

It was obvious y/n had a huge impact on his life, he seemed happier and to her surprise romantic with her, and Jane was happy for the both of them.

"doesn't it sound ever so romantic? The bad boy ends up with the good girl, y/n?" Anne grinned at her. She was happy for their relationship, Billy seemed to change because of her which made Anne's life much easier, not having to suffer through his rude comments.

Y/n blushed more, and hid her face while Josie Pye only rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you're still dating him, y/n. He's awful! He bullies everyone in his sight and doesn't care about anyone's feelings but his! Not to mention he's so clingy, he never seems to leave you alone, and he's an idiot, does he even know simple math?"

Y/n blinked twice, staring at her shocked along with the other girls at her outburst. "you didn't have the privilege to get to know him personally, Josie Pye, because if you did you would know he's the sweetest guy who has, yes made some mistakes but overall is a good person, and he's pretty smarter than he looks and acts, he sometimes tutors me for heavens sake! And I like that he shows his affection, would you rather a guy who doesn't care?"

"How could you date him after what he did to that orphan you call a friend?" Y/n scoffed at that, standing up from her seat. "Just because you like him doesn't mean you can say such ill things about my relationship." Y/n felt the need to breath some fresh air so she quickly scurried outside.

Of course she knew Josie liked Billy. It was obvious the moment she met her! Y/n started to pace in in a circle. How dare she bash her relationship! And the looks on the girls faces, they looked at each other, obviously agreeing with what Josie's saying.

Oh much she hated some of them. "Baby, what's wrong?" She span around to meet a pair of worried eyes that made her almost immediately melt. "Oh Billy they're just so mean!" Y/n quietly wailed, allowing herself to be pulled into his arms.

Billy's protective instincts went up with her words. He wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her head. After a minute or so passes he pulled away from the hug, wanting to see her face. "What did they say?" Billy wasn't quite sure if he wanted to hear nonetheless he still asked.

"Josie just kept going on and on about how you were an awful guy which is absolutely untrue and she was saying some rude thing about our relationship and just how dare she! She had no right to talk so ill-fully about you..." Bill was starting at her in awe while she kept rambling about what happened.

He didn't know what to say. Never has anyone defended him, at all! How could he be so lucky to end up with a girl like her? Realizing she's not going to stop talking for a while he decided to shut her up, cupping her neck he leaned in and kissed her passionately.

Y/n was confused at first yet kissed him back. "I love you!" His voice was raspy, and breathless from the kiss. His gorgeous brown eyes showed his love towards her.

She stared at him and for a split second he thought she wasn't going to say it back, but she cupped his cheeks and smashed her lips with his. "I love you too, and I always will." She quietly muttered.

They stood there, grinning at each other while Josie was watching them for the window. For the first time in her life, she didn't get what she wanted, I guess you could say there's a first for anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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