Insecurity (Charlie Sloane)

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A cutie

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A cutie


Charlie has always lived in Gilbert's shadows and who could ever blame him, Gilbert was the kindest, smartest, and most attractive kid in class but sometimes it was overwhelming to him, feeling like a sidekick most of the time.

Don't get him wrong, he was Gilbert's best friends and he won't have it any other way but he just sometimes envied Gilbert's good looks, he always seemed to catch the girls attention even if he only has eyes for one.

Truth be told he was only envy when he actually liked the girl, and Charlie was a bit thankful that Gilbert actually respected his feelings and didn't attempt to rub it in his face that he gets all the girls.

Maybe it was the fact that Gilbert has his heart set on one girl and one girl only, but Charlie knew it was also because Gilbert actually cared for him.

Once he started dating y/n, a girl he liked very much, even loved. For some reason all his insecurities had vanished, just like that. Not a day passes where y/n doesn't remind him how much she's happy being with him.

Of course there were some days he'd have a horrid nightmare, where he can't help but feel awful about himself. Today was one of those days. He woke up, with a deep frown on his face, trying hard not to remember what he had just dreamt of.

It was one of those dreams where they felt so real to the point Charlie couldn't figure out if it happened or not. Nevertheless he got himself up, and exhaustedly got ready.

He was walking to y/n's house, just like everyday. They made it a habit of theirs, to walk together before school. They both enjoyed some time alone.

"Hello, Charlie." Y/n greeted her lovely boyfriend, walking up to him. "I must say you look rather dashing today." She placed her hands on his shoulders, grinning up at him.

He laughed, the blush on his cheek clear as day. "I look the same as always." He also grinned. "Then you look dashing everyday." She murmured before pecking his lips.

They started walking, holding hands 2hile y/n kept talking about nothing in particular, something she usually did that Charlie found absolutely adorable, no matter how much she talked his ear off.

Although he was still holding up the conversation just fine he was still thinking about that dream at the back of his mind. He couldn't ignore it for some reason. "Charlie?" Y/n said and he only hummed in response, looking down at their shoes.

"You seem a bit... off today. Is something the matter?" She asked. He shook his head and continued to stare at the ground. "It's fine, really."

But y/n didn't believe him. She stopped walking and grabbed his forearm. "Charlie, please. What's wrong?" He turned his body and sighed, deeply.

He knew he could trust her, he knew he could tell her anything but this, this was something he found hard telling her for some reason. "I had a nightmare." She looked at him, waiting for him to tell her  more.

"It was about you, using me to get to Gilbert, and I know what you're going to say. You care about me and would never do such a thing, but it's so hard to ignore that fear deep down in you where someday, someone you love might leave you for someone better than you. I mean he's more attractive than me, he's smarter than me he's more charming than me, he's basically better than me in every possible way. I wouldn't blame you if you were actually using me to get to him, it's happened before so why couldn't it happen again?"

Charlie stood there, trying to regain his breath, waiting for her to say anything about what he said, but all she could say was, "you love me?" She asked, her voice, quiet while her eyes were wide but still soft.

His eyes widened and he started to panic. "What! No— I mean— yes." He muttered softly, he realized then and there that he said she was someone he loved. "I love you too, Charlie." He looked up at her kind eyes. "And only you." It was a simple statement but it told what Charlie needed to hear.

He pulled her for kiss, it was hard to kiss her when he was grinning so hard. After they pulled away y/n said, "Gilbert may be those thing in the eyes of others but not in mine." At that moment y/n could swear she saw his eyes fill with tears but before she could tease him about it he pulled her to another kiss.

"Come on we're going to be late for school." Y/n told him before grabbing his hand and walking to their class.


Wow I'm back and with a shitty imagine and that literally no one cared about or asked for?

Btw if you haven't noticed I seriously don't know when to place a comma so sorry about that my dudes.

Hope you guys still enjoy this short imagine :) and if you have a request feel free to comment it

Thanks guys💕

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