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vienna holds a small bottle of gold nail polish, applying it to my toes. i took off my socks today and was blatantly told my feet were ugly, which hurt but was willing to fix. so i sat my ass on the couch gazing through social media while she willingly painted my toes. we can definitely add this to the list of things vi is good for. its a short list and one i rarely add too. what can i say, vienna relys on her daddy to give her the world and nick to show her the universe. god forbid either of those things get taken away from the poor girl.

"so..." she trails, looking up to me from the floor with curious eyes.

confused, i lean forward. "what?"

vienna shakes her head slightly. "...nothing."

i make a face at her. the fuck is this, since when do we lead into a conversation then forget it. not how this works honey. "no tell me. we don't do this whole hide the truth shit." i roll my eyes.

vienna huffs but stands up and sits besides me on the bed. her smiles is soft and her eyes race as if thinking how to ask the question. i know its about brandon and i don't care, i just need her to know that im fine with those kind of questions, just depending on what about him it is thats going on.

"would you ever get back with brandon?" she doesn't meet my eyes and asks in a low voice.

i shrug. "to be honest, i don't know."

"well nick told me you were avoiding him. its really none of my business... but at the same time i want every detail." she starts with twisted lips and ends with a smile.

"well at the party we ran into each other at the rose garden, which lead to me running away from his ass. then  zion decided to bring him up at lunch last week and it made everything awkward." i huff beginning my rant. "why is it that every time I'm with someone, his name comes up. its not like he wants this back—hell he is stupid if he thinks we can work! we haven't before and we never will."

vienna rubs my upper arm with a sincere frown. "he wants you back sophie. really badly. and i dont know. maybe just hear him out, talk with him?" she suggests. i don't care what she says though. i'm drawing a permanent end to brandons bull shit. if he really does want me in a serious sort of way, he is going to have to work his little ass off for it.

"fuck that." i laugh bitterly. "he needs to grow a pair and come to me, not just randomly either. fucking plan it so i can handle that shit."

vienna takes note with a soft nod. "i'll tell nick what you said."

"yeah." i shrug again crawling back into a shell of hidden furry. "you and nick been having a good time?"

she giggles with a bright red blush. "yes! god i just love him so much. he's such an understanding gentleman. spending time with him is... addicting."

i smile remembering how that felt. "i understand. and with hooded eyes and sore toes, i uber home. the house is quiet and i peel off my clothes and slide into bed. checking through instagram i come across brandon. i click his story and am shocked at what i see.

him with a rose. he says the words and i listen to them over and over. "if you see this, meet me here. you know who you are." the video ends with his smile. he couldn't possibly mean me. so i throw my phone to the side and fall asleep, attempting to rid my thoughts of brandon.

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