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i moan into the soft mattress as i turn and look over. my alarm clock is not on the side table. i quickly reach for my glasses, sitting up and remembering that i am here in sophies house. not her room but it's close enough. my phones dead from zion facetiming me at three in the morning yelling at me for "forcing yourself onto soph" , bullshit.

she missed me too and i know it. so what if it had hurt her, i had hurt her before and it wasn't a big deal. but last time with her it was love. i didn't realize that till we were on tour. so here i am just wanting what sophie and i had back. the old us, without the bad. when we would lay in her room and cuddle, or go out and take photos. the things like that i miss, its because i love those qualities, but only on soph do they seem correct.

i roll out of bed and the guest room. her parents are most likely already at work which mean's sophie is either asleep or left me here. she doesn't want me near her and trust me i know that. one of us has to fight for it though. she may seem over this but i can't settle with the thought if not ever being with sophie again. it gives me dangerous shivers down my spine.

  i check sophies room to see her snoring on the bed. her whole body is curled into the comforter. she always looks so content when she's asleep. wandering out of her room and too the kitchen i decide to cook up breakfast. theres nothing but eggs and bacon so i start with the bacon.

in the middle of cooking a confused sophie stumbles down the stairs. the sight of her rubbing her eyes sparks a small giggle on the inside, but i hold it in and keep the peace. she gives me a weird look and sits at the breakfast bar.

"i thought you would be gone." she states. her eyes wander, is she trying to say she doesn't want me here. "like... i don't know. this is a bit weird don't you think?" her head twists to the side.

turning back to the stove i reply, "this isn't weird for me sophie. i made breakfast." i throw some bacon and eggs onto a plate and slide it over to her.

"oh, thanks." awkwardness creeps in. now what? talk about all this, what we want to do with one another? i thought that was already decided. but sophie being indecisive is probably having a fist fight in her mind. neither side is winning it seems.

we eat breakfast in peace, but i know i have to leave for the studio soon. "can we hang out later?" i ask.

sophie looks at me with a bit of shock as she snaps away from her thoughts. "sure." so i clean up and leave, anticipating being with her.

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