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there were two very popular clubs in the city, la amor and fiery five. brandon being the man he is needed to go to one of those and refused anywhere else. to our luck la amor had an open table that we booked for the two of us, zion, vienna, and nick. edwin and austin went out on dates somewhere else. there is nothing inside me that wants to go out and get all wild, but i know in the end it'll be fun. that's what im hoping for anyway.

vienna did my makeup for me because i didn't feel like doing it myself. i didn't really have anything in my closet so i had to go through pr packages that have never been touched. if i open it ill ruin it and thats a fact. a long body con dress that clung to my skin, outlining the curves of my hips, and a pair of silver heels. my feet have a death wish tonight.

vienna's jaw dropped slightly as i made my appearance to her. unlike me she wore a fiery red romper with black thigh highs. "you look hot!" she grabbed my hands and looked over me. "who knew you were capable of getting out of sweats?"

i nod softly and turn my head the other way, cheeks flushed a bit red. "i know, i can't even remember the last time i wore something like this out."

vi giggled and asks me to take some pictures of her for insta, i get some of myself to. "i have to say we both look sexy as hell." i state proudly.

our men will be all over us tonight and that gave me the strength to continue on in these dangerous stilettos which made me five ten, taller then edwin and practically the same height as brandon. we go to the living room and snack on some doritos while we wait.

   familiar hands wrap around my waist and pull me close. "your fine as fuck i swear." brandon takes in a sharp breath and leans further into the back of me. he rests his hands on my hips and kisses the side of my neck. "we need to go out more."

i giggle and turn into him, i peck his jaw and push him back a bit. "are the heels too much?"

brandon doesn't even budge to look at my feet, "your amazing the way you are soph." he caresses my cheek in a careful way. "you ready?"

i nod and we get going. la amor was a bit of a drive, almost a half hour. brandon and i cuddled in the back of the truck while nick and vi played with the music, zion said he'd meet us later. all he's been up to lately is being on his phone talking to some girl. good for him i guess.

"b lets take a pic," i grab his phone, kiss his cheek n snap the pic. "there." i smile happily at the picture and hand his phone back.

"your so cute." he laughs and pecks the side of my lips.

"lovebirds were here." viv yells to us. shes one to talk.

la amor is packed to a t just as i imagined it'd be. there were paparazzi at the door covering the entrance waiting for a list celebs to hide from the flashes of their camera. lucky for us, prettymuch and my family were more like c list celebrities. we easily walked into the club. i didn't hold brandon's hand because we haven't gone public yet and frankly it didn't bother me. it is way to early for us to be rushing into throwing our relationship out into the world, again.

we made our way to the booth we had rsvp'd and instantly nick ordered us all a round of shots. he is 21 after all, unlike the rest of us. if there is one thing i have handy though, is a fake ID. just for situations like these. brandon places his hand on my thigh and i let it rest there because its comforting.

"are you going go dance?" vienna asks. shes already happy drunk and its hilarious.

i shrug, "maybe i don't know."

"your telling me, all your gonna do this whole time is sit? after all the work i put in on that look?" shes actually angry and i can tell by the way her body tenses. "im sick and tired of you being such a downer. you used to be so fun, we could party endlessly and you didnt give a fuck. what happened to that girl?"

my heart hurt because its true, but i'm also mad because its embarrassing. at this moment the shots arrived and she swallows one before storming away. nick watches her then me. "go after her." i roll my eyes and watch him down his own shot and go after her.

i huff back into my seat and close my eyes. five minutes and i've already gotten into an argument. this is why i don't do party's anymore, cause it isn't me. when i open my eyes and look at brandon he's busy scrolling through instagram, as if he didn't just witness what happened. this is all just reminding me of why brandon and i never work out, because of the drama, fights, and party's.

"you agree with her?" i watch him snap his head up and i stare long and deep into his eyes.

"no." he shakes his head once. "i mean you aren't the same you but she should just accept that."

then an idea pops into my head. "do you accept that." his questioning haze leads me to continue. "accept that i'm different?"

"of course i do sophie." there isn't doubt in his eyes. i take my shot and just know deep down this night will be long.

bad habits - brandon arreagaWhere stories live. Discover now