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 The flame burned well, but it lacked control. Only able to hold the form of a bending tail for no more then seconds, after, half of the structure of fire collapsed onto ground, sucking the air away from anything near Megan while doing so, herself included. Astral watched the crumbled tail burn, a piece still attached onto her hand and around her shoulder, still dancing as before with an odd amount of calm despite it's might. By the time his eyes had found the fallen flame and portion still linked to the girl's palm, any breath that remained had already left his lungs. And by then Megan's eyes had gone blank, oblivious, though her legs had yet to give out. Without thought his body set in motion, but the effort was unneeded. Only after a step was made Megan, like the lower half of her elements collapsed. Both sections of flame becoming soundless air as a cloud of dirt rose above her still figure.

Astral lifted her chin and checked her pulse the moment he reached her, a sigh in relief promptly following. "And she says we keep too many secrets." The comment came with a snicker. "Enjoying the scenery, little one?" Astral said as he eyed the girl in his arms.

After some time, the puzzled Sue realized he was speaking to her. She stood eyes forward with a foot in and outside the doorway. Her confusion strayed to slight anger. The air around her spoke it, though still she stood quietly. "How much did you see?" he said as he faced her. Both their grey eyes meeting swiftly. "Almost everything," she replied with a too calm tone. "Almost? I see." Astral smiled as Sue's eyes narrowed.

"Who are you?" It felt odd hearing the words aloud. His smirked vanished. Lips straightening just as much as his voice, eerie was the word that came to mind for her. His sudden shift eerily reminded Sue of Crow from the day before.

"I do not answer to the weak, girl." Sue quickly tried to step backward, forgetting she already stood a step away from inside; her foot clipped the door frame, while late, she caught her balance fairly easy. Clumsiness was not the issue, what provoked her brow to tighten as she scanned her hands and legs. She was more so shaken by the way her body had reacted, again.

Before, Sue had tore from sleep only after feeling the warmth of Megan's hand across her forehead. But by the time her eyes opened, her sister had already shut the door at the head of the room. She didn't know why, but something baited her not to call Megan's name yet. Instead, follow the girl, to where ever her trail led.

So far, the destination was put on hold just outside their home. Sue peaked her head out the left open front door, making sure to check left ... then right, before forward. Megan was still forging the path, back to the door, head low beneath the stubborn night. Figuring enough was enough, she began to call for the girl's attention- until she came to a abrupt stop.

Sue watched, wondering why the girl was just staring at her hand in the dark. Until it happened, dots of blue appeared from nothing upon her finger tips. Casting awe in the girl's large eyes as she pieced together what had occurred. With the feeling that she hadn't blinked for minutes. Not aware that the next would flustered her even more. She closed her eyes, and within that, that fraction of a second; the air felt different, without comfort, and harder to breathe. What the hell had happened?

As her eyes reopened, her jaw lowered. There fear and relief took over her mind while gazing at what Megan had created. The relief came from the fact nothing alive had touched it. She had never seen fire like that before. Fractions of the body slipping between blue and white. It's movements giving Sue the impression that it was alive. Where as her fear stemmed not from Megan or the flame, but the emerging Astral. Now standing directly in-between her and the indisposed sibling. Where he came from, she had no idea. But that was only a inch of the cause, his reaction, that was what made her heart skip.

Broken Utopia: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now