Chapter One: Meeting

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This is an old book but I'm still working on it! So, sorry if it isn't that good like all my other books!
~(Y/N)'s POV~
I look down at Moon City with my father, Damon (change your father's name if you want). He was the king and I was the next ruler. But I had no idea about friendship. I watch as the glowing sun slowly rises. "(Y/N), your going to a school that teaches friendship. Your old enough to become Queen but you need to learn about friendship" Dad said and I sigh and look down "I know, and I will be happy to go to the school. I want to make friends" I said while looking at him. Dad smiles "good, I will send a message to Princess Twilight immediately" Dad said before walking off. I sat there with my mouth open before I grew out of it. "WHAT?!" I yelled.
~Twilight's POV~
I sat in my office while talking to my friends. Class doesn't start yet so we decided to talk. A knock came at the door and I open it to reveal a Lion messager from Moon City. I gasp, shocked while the Lion walks to me. "Princess Twilight, I come from Moon City to tell you that Princess (Y/N) will be attending your school to learn friendship. You and your friends will decide on her destiny when she's Queen by how and what you teach her. Her destiny is in your hooves. (Y/N) and the royal family will be here in any moment. Good luck" The Messager said before walking off. "Princess (Y/N) be attending our school?! We weren't prepared!" I panicked "don't worry Twilight! She's just some other creature!" Rainbow Dash said and I turn to her "just some other creature?! She's going to be Queen!!! Her destiny lies on us!!! On what kind of Queen she will be!" I yelled and they had worried faces "this is serious" Fluttershy said "let me get this straight, a soon-to-be Queen is going to be here?!" Rarity said and I nod. She then faints. "We need to get ready! They'll be here in any minute!" I yelled before hearing a knock on the main doors. I gulp before running out to see Celestia. "Princess Celestia?! What are you doing here?!" I said "I came here to greet Princess (Y/N). Once I heard about the news I couldn't wait until I meet her! Lions very rarely goes to pony places since during the battle between Lions and Ponies. But this might change once you get her to see that we're friendly! This might be our only chance" Celestia said and I giggle nervously. Another knock soon came and I stood up straight and tall before opening the doors.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
The doors open to reveal Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight. I gulp before me, my Mom, my Dad, and my two little brother and sister walks in. My little sister was named Kailani and my little brother's name was Neko. The Princesses bow and so do we. "Princess (Y/N), we're glad that you choosed to learn friendship at our school" Twilight said and I smiled "I'm glad to be here" I said. "Be good, we will be waiting at Moon City once you are ready" Dad said and I nod. Dad and the others walked out, leaving me with the Princesses. "Come, I will show you around" Twilight said and I nod before following her. She showed me the classes I have and we're I was suppose to stay, but she was little too excited in the library. I thought it was kinda cute. While we we're walking down one of the halls we see a group of creatures talking. A blue Griffon, a Changeling, a Yak, a Hippogriff, a dragon, and a Pony. My ears flatten as I start getting nervous again. I was usually shy at these kind of things. "(Y/N), I want you to meet, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, Gallus, Silver Stream, and Sandbar!" Twilight said as we walk towards them. They put our attention towards us and Silver Stream does a long gasp. "It's truly you! My mom has talked a lot about you when I was little!" Silver Stream said "wait, isn't she the next Queen in Moon City?" Gallus said "and aren't Lions enemies with ponies and other creatures?' Smolder said. "Well, yea. But I don't want to be enemies with other creatures. The war was thousands of years ago and back then we didn't accept eachother. But now that I'm here I see that other creatures are friendly and not enemies" I said "and I want you all to accept her too. Just because she's a Lion doesn't mean she's like the others" Twilight said and I smile at her wich she gladly returns. "I guess we can give her a chance" Smolder said "good, I will be in my office if you need anything" Twilight said before walking off. "C'mon, we're just about to head over to Professor Fluttershy's class!" Ocellus said and I nod with a smile. I follow them to Professor Fluttershy's class to see it looked like my old school. All fancy. "Um, Professor Fluttershy? What happened to the classroom?" Ocellus asks as I sat next to her. "Oh, well since Princess (Y/N) is now coming to this school we have to look and seem fancy. So, no more animals today" Fluttershy said and we groan. Fluttershy then starts teaching us about spiders. I pay no attention though. I whine and set my head down "this doesn't seem different from my other school..." I mumbled "oh, um, usually it's not like this" Silver Stream said and I sigh "figures, when the Royal Family isn't here it's fun and interesting but when they are here it's boring and fancy" I mumbled. After an hour or so the bell eventually comes. I walk out of the classroom with my head hung low. "You ok?" Sandbar asks "no, I ruined all of your classes for you and I know I'm not going to learn friendship when it's like this. I might as well back down from being Queen" I mumbled and everyone gasps "what! No, you can't! If you back down then Moon City won't have a Queen or King! Your father trained you to be Queen!" Smolder said and I sigh "but I won't learn friendship...." I mumbled before we made it to class. Every single class was boring and was like the ones back at home. I walk down the hallway with my head hung low while others pasts me. "Why can't I just learn friendship?" I mumbled and sat down onto the stairs. "If this school really is boring and like every other school....then I'm going to leave...I will never learn friendship like this" I said. Little did I know, Rainbow Dash and Rarity we're listening.
~Twilight's POV~
Me and my friends gathered into my office after Rarity and Rainbow Dash reported that (Y/N) hasn't been having fun. "So, what happened to (Y/N)?" I ask "well, when me and Rarity we're walking down the stairs we heard (Y/N) talking so we listened in. We we're kinda concerned because she seemed more upset after going to my class" Rainbow Dash said and Rarity nods "what we heard was devastating! She said she won't be able to learn friendship since we changed our school into every other school!" Rarity said "now that you mention it, (Y/N) did seemed pretty upset in my class too. She said that when the Royal Family isn't here everythings fun but when the Royal Family comes everything has to be boring and perfect" Fluttershy said "yea, when I was teaching the best I could I saw (Y/N) yawning and all bored along with sadness in her eyes" Applejack said and my ears went down. Hearing all of this made my heart hurt. I didn't want (Y/N) to be sad and miserable, I want her to learn friendship and have fun. I sigh "then I will talk to her. I will make everything write again" I said before walking out of my office. I walk towards (Y/N)' dorm. I take a deep breathe before knocking.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
I hear a knock at my door and I sprung out of bed. I open the door to see Princess Twiligh% with sadness and guilt in her eyes. "Twilight? What's wrong" I ask while Twilight walks inside with her head hung low. "I came to apologize, I didn't want to change my school" Twilight said as she looked down. I walk towards her with an raised eyebrow "then, why did you do it?" I ask while I bend my head down to look into her eyes better. Her head slowly rises with mine following. "I just thought that maybe you want it to be this way" Twilight said and I chuckle with a smile. "Of course not! I'm not one of thoughs Princesses who wants everything all fancy and the same! I like seeing everything different. I love having fun other than speaking all fancy and stuff like that. I mean, what's the point of it?! It's all boring!" I said and Twilight giggles. "I guess I was wrong huh?" Twilight said with a smile and I smile back pretty much. Now, go and change everything you want it to be" I said. Twilight smiles brightly and hugs me, I gladly hug back. Twilight quickly runs out with the brightest smile I ever seen.

Twilight Sparkle x Lion! Female Reader: Queen And PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now