Chapter Six: Confession

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
I growl at a Pony. A male Pony, Davin, was flirting with me. "Aw what's wrong? Can't handle me?" Davin said while I growl louder. "And why do you think that?" I hear Twilight say. I turn around to see Twilight, Starlight, and Spike. My ears flatten while I look down. "Your not in trouble (Y/N), Davin is" Spike said "oh yea? Why?" Davin said "flirting with students are not ok. Espically if their not interested" Twilight said walking in front of me. "H-how do you know?" Davin said "because I saw it while I walked by" Starlight said. Davin looks at us before groaning and trotting away. "Thank you Twi, Starlight, and Spike" I said and they smile "it's no problem" Starlight said "besides, that guy was just a total jerk" Spike said and I giggle. "Yea he was, thank you for getting rid of him" I said and they smile "it was no problem!" Twilight said and I smile before walking off to my room.
~Time Skip~
"Hey (Y/N)! Wanna fight?" Smolder said and growled afterword. I growl back with a determined smile. We we're in the empty hallway since everyone was at an assembly Princess Twilight assembled. Well, besides me, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus, Yona, Silver Stream, and Sandbar. "Um guys, we should hurry to the assembly" Ocellus said "not now! I just challenged the princess of Moon City!" Smolder said while I get ready to pounce. But before I did, Starlight interrupted us. "(Y/N)! Smolder!" Starlight yelled and made us float in the air. "Oh! H-hey!" Smolder said with a nervous smile and a small wave while I glare at Smolder. "There will be no fighting in school! I sadly have to give you detention. Now go to the assembly before I make it an suspension" Starligh said. We slowly came onto the ground and I look Starlight with guilt before running off to the assembly.
~Starlight's POV~
I sigh as I watch every creature run to the assembly. (Y/N) looked guilty. I walk towards the assembly to see Twilight talking through the speaker. I walk over to Spike "Spike, I don't think (Y/N) belongs here" I whisper to him and he gasps "what?! What makes you say that?!" Spike whispered back "I had to give (Y/N) and Smolder detention for challenging each other. Sure Smolder started it but this is like the 5th time this week me or Twilight had to separate (Y/N) from a fight! I don't know about the lion way but, I'm pretty sure once a lion is challenged, they don't back down" I said "remember Starlight, Lions and Ponies did have war between each other. Lions don't know how to act in pony places or around other ponies. (Y/N) doesn't know how to act around us. Maybe Lions and Dragons are alike, or at least we know that they like challenging each other all the time. Plus, it will break Twilight's heart if we kick (Y/N) out" Spike said and I sigh "your right, thanks Spike" I said before smiling down at Spike. "Your welcome!" Spike said. "And that's why Lions and Ponies should be together in harmony!" Twilight said while the students wrote in their books. The bell soon rings and students starts walking out of the room. "Have a nice day!" Twilight said. "Hey Twi, can we speak with you for a moment?" Spike said "sure! What is it?" Twilight asks "you have to tell (Y/N) your feelings! She won't constantly go into fights all the time if you two are together! I had to break up a fight between Smolder and (Y/N) while you we're giving your speech!" I said and Twilight blushes "I-I'm not sure..." Twilight said while looking down "Twilight, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) will say yes" I said and Twilight thinks for a minute before sighing and nodding "ok, I'll tell her" Twilight said with determination and we gave her supportive smiles.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
I walk into Twilight's office to see her pacing back and forth. "Um, Twilight? You ok?" I said and she quickly stops before she starts blushing furiously, but not looking at me. "Twilight?" I said walking closer. I nudge her head to get her attention. "(Y/N), I need to tell you something..." Twilight said looking at me with fear and hope smashed as one in her purple eyes. "Yes? What is it?" I said while tilting my head in curiosity "I-I...." Twilight struggles before she takes a deep breath and gets close to my face, our muzzles touching. "I love you" Twilight whispered, deciding if she should kiss me or not. I smile like a dork. "I love you to, Princess Twilight" I said with a smirk before closing the gap in between us, kissing her. Twilight instantly kisses back. It was passionate. The kiss lasted for about five minutes before we broke apart. "I love you, Twilight Sparkle. I always had" I said, getting my breath back. Twilight smiles brightly while tears start forming in the corner of her eyes "I love you too (Y/N), always had, always will" Twilight said before hugging me. I smile and hug back. Me and Twilight then hear Pinkie squeal. We quickly break apart and look towards the entrance of Twilight's office. There stood, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, and Startlight Glimmer. They all had bug bright smiles. "(Y/N) and Twilight are a couple! (Y/N) and Twilight are a couple!" Pinkie sang while jumping around me and Twilight, before hugging us. We smile. "Way to go Twi!" Rainbow Dash said before ruffling Twilight's hair when Pinkie finally pulls away. They all congratulate us, until I hear someone yell my name. "(Y/N)!!!!" yelled a Yak. It was Yona. Her and the others dash through the door. "Does Lion wanna go to Pony carnival with Yona and her friends?!" Yona said while jumping and down, making things fall. Spike luckily catches them all. "Ok! Ok! Just stop bouncing!" I said while my claws dug into the carpet. Yona then stops. "Sorry" Yona said, while blushing in embarrassment. I take a deep breathe. "It's ok" I said and helped Twilight up. "We'll meet you after class, ok?" Osellus said while her, the others, and the Professors walk out. "Will do" I said with a smile before she walks out. I turn to Twilight. "So, just to be sure, are we a couple?" I said with a blush. Twilight blushes. "I-if you want to be a couple..." Twilight said. I clear my throat. "We'll then, Twilight Sparkle, will you be my girlfriend?" I said. Twilight smiles brightly as her blush worsens. "Of course!" Twilight said before kissing me. I kiss back, happily. We then pull away. "I have to go, don't wanna be late for class" I said before walking off.

Twilight Sparkle x Lion! Female Reader: Queen And PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now