My best friend. Part 7

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Kezia's POV

(Rinnnggg) The clock cursed me today. Wait!!!!! What happened yesterday!?!? I was drunk right?
Did I kill anyone that night? Hopefully I didn't.

I tried to stand up but collapsed. "My. This is hard." I think I said that out loud. I'm gonna be late. I need to stand up like... right now!! Oh my dear body.. please do as I say. Stand up. *sigh*. Let me at least get my comb. My hair feels weird. I crawled into the table and reached for my comb. "I got it. Yey!" I said it out loud again. I should really stop opening my mouth. I combed my hair. I tried to stand again. And I fell again. Now I even wonder how I got here.

There's my answer. It's Timothy's jacket. That careless stupid brat. It smells good. Who am I kidding? It smells like alcohol. And I smell like alcohol. I really need to take a bath. I slowly crawled to the bathroom and placed myself in the tub. Then I washed myself. I took my towel of course. I finally was able to stand again. I got dressed and cooked my breakfast. I'm still weak by the way. I can't run or jump or do something active. I'm fragile. *sigh*. (6:00am)

(Crinngg) the phone is calling me all of the sudden. "Hello?" I greeted. It came as a question more that a greet. [Good morning miss Jewel] she greeted. How'd she get my number? "Who is this?" I asked through the phone. [This is miss Naggle your teacher.] she informed. [I would like to inform you that there is no class today] she continued. Yes!!! Why?? "Is there a problem?" I asked. [we have an emergency meeting today. Please inform your other classmates.] she stated. Then call ends. I called Shara and Lily first to inform them about the class. Then I call Samuel, JM and Nathan next. I'm going to call Timothy next. I'll thank him by the time.

I'm calling him right now. "Morning." I greeted. [Good morning.] he greeted back. He seems happy. He never uses good to describe the morning. "Wassup?" He asked. What does that mean? "Whaa?" I asked. [What's up?] He said with a duh tone. What can I do? I never heard of such language. "Dude... Uhh sorry. And thanks for bringing me home." I thank him. I didn't add sincerely to my thanks. But I am thankful. [I heard that there is no class today.] he stated. If he already knows then there is no use being on the phone. "I see goodbye." I stated farewell. But before I ended the call he stopped me.

[Will you come with us to the beach] he asked. The... beach..? Ohh!! Yes!!! yes!!of course!! "Yeah sure." I stated with a smile. Though I know he can't see it. I was just smiling on the out side but screaming, jumping, running, and some other stuff. If only I could do all those things but.. I'm half paralyzed. Darn it!! I suddenly heard beeps. So it means he ended the call. I tried to run and pick what should I wear but.. my stupid leg hurts. "Darn it!! Weak self!!" I massaged my painful leg a little bit.

I took a swimsuit and prepared everything for the trip. I went out with all my items. "Hey" Timothy greeted. Shara, Lily, Nathan, JM, Sam are there as well. Alex is there too. (Alex=my friend that's gay)

And a big ass van. "Hey guys. Who owns the van?" I asked. I was curious. Some rich dude owns this right. It's making me feel like a sore thumb. "Timothy owns it." I see. Well.. do all of you have one? I can tell that all of you a rich. *sigh*. "An I the only one broke?" I asked with a sad sigh. They just shrugged and went in. "Who's driving?" Samuel suddenly asked. We all looked each other and shrugged. "I'll drive. It's my car after all." Timothy stated. We all agreed. How come no one planed this out? It's purely naive. *sigh*. (6:56am)

I just noticed this.. where can I sit? Benjamin, Shara and Lily are at the back. While Natha, Samuel, And Alexia. Nice nickname for Alex right? "Is there a anywhere else I can sit?" I asked while looking around. "The passenger seat you idiot." Alexia stated with a pitch higher than mine. Boys should stop wearing makeup. Alex is genuine, gentlemanly and handsome. If a girl should fall in love.. she should fall for Alex. But.. but.. Alex is a she. "Uhh.. thanks" I thank doubtfully. For some reason I don't want to sit next to him. I guess I can't do anything about it now.
I place myself at the passenger seat and he started the car.

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