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Athena's POV

I woke up after the most confusing dream!! Man, that was nice. I'm just telling you. It's about...

Wait.... what was that dream again? What was it about? A strawberry? A... a guitara? Or maybe a bass guitar? A girl. And more strawberries? Was there a fish? Wait.... the fish part is just me.

*shrugs* (5:30 am)

I stepped out of my bed still thinking about that confusing dream. Why don't I just shrug it off like what I always do. Yeah... that's a better plan.

I went downstairs to cook breakfast. I took a frying pan, some tomatoes, some onions, and garlic and eggs. I also took some rice and hot dogs.

The family special.... sinanlag. It's actually fried rice in English. But let's just use cebuano languge today.

I heard foot steps coming down while I cook. Both me and Karren are morning birds. But this bird wakes up earlier.

"Morning Kez." She greeted with a yawn. She went to the table and prepared it. Then she went to the bathroom. Not long after... I finished cooking. I place it on the table and went back yo my room. I took my towel and took a bath after she did. (6:21 am)

We got dressed and ate our breakfast. "Sinangag. Like it. Can we always eat rice?" She asked I nodded and said sure.

"It's sinanlag by the way." I corrected.

"No! You're just saying sinangag in Cebuano." She opposed.

"Duh... I learned how to cook sinanlag in Dumageute. What did you expect?" I asked.

She sighed and continued eating. Today is Monday. If you asked what happened in Saturday and Sunday... well... all we did at home was sleep, eat, watch TV or YouTube, clean the house, do our assignments, and never let those stubborn, stupid idiots bother us.

At sunday we went to look for a church. Karren asked me if their are churches around because she want to listen to lectures. Me too but... I don't know any so we went to look for them. We'll start going to church then.

But anyway...

We stepped out of the house and rode our bikes to school. We got there and placed our bikes on their respective places. We entered the campus. We went to the tree and talked about some things about... nonsense. (6:31 am)

"Hey... I had this confusing dream just now." I said.

"Really?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah it was about a strawberry... i think?" My statement became a question.

"Wait... let me guess... a girl with a guitar and a strawberry in her mouth?" She asked to make sure.

I nodded. "How did you know?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because miss author is crazy." Sh said. I gave a look of disbelief and confusion. "Well... I thought it was just some kind of dream but she actually proved it." She explains.

"I'm sorry... so the girl with a strawberry... who is the one writing this is actually true?" I asked. She nodded. "That does mean I'm a fictional character, living in New York, and everything here is the imagination of Miss author?" I asked cluelessly to make sure. She nodded. "Are you saying that... that dream was true?" I asked.

She shrugged. "More or less."

We continued to talk and talk and talk. And while we were talking... We heard a beautiful melody. It was behind the tree. I know it's a guitar. I just know it. (6:43 am)

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