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Sometimes I struggle to talk to people or be in certain social situations.

I find it hard to ask teachers for help or talk to people I dont know, even people I know but aren't really comfortable with. My chest starts to hurt and I get really panicky about what to say and do. I physically can't bring myself to be more social or talk more. This has often caused me to miss out on stuff or caused problems with relationships/friendships. I've been invited to a few parties that I really want to go to but I cant bring myself to because I know it will be awkward and there will be too many people I dont know and can't talk to. I've missed out on opportunities to make new friends or help someone because I can't bring myself to go talk to the person sitting by themselves even when i really want to. I've missed out on doing better in class because I can never ask or answer questions and I never have anyone to ask for help from. I struggle to even buy something in a shop by myself.

Everyone always says 'why dont you just talk more?' But I can't, I've tried and i just can't, my body will physically not let me. It gets in the way of my life but I can't help it and that just makes it worse. I get angry and frustrated at myself and feel like I'm letting people down. I've lost jobs because I can't talk enough. I worry that it will stop me from being able to get a job in the future and I worry that I won't be live my life because I can't talk and I get anxious in social situations.

I want to talk and I want to be able to do stuff without panicking but I can't. I'm sorry if I've ever come of as rude or been annoying because I'm asking you to talk to someone or do something for me. Please understand that I try and that I don't mean to be rude or annoying but I can't help it. I'm  Sorry

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