Chapter Five

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*Y/N Pov*
Y/N: Ahh~
I yawn, rising up from my bed. Alright! It's a new day. Let's go and get something to eat... that being said, I walk into the hallway and into the kitchen. No one else is awake? Oh well. Now let's see... they don't have much food... oh, strawberry jam!? I didn't see this before. Let's go and make jam toast!

Once I finish making it I sit down on the living room sofa. I take a bite out of it... don't tell me... this is blood!? W-what!? I immediately run back into the kitchen and spit it out in the bin. That's disgusting!? But who's blood is it? Actually, I don't wanna know... this is too much... but the blood smelt so sweet...? Just like jam... I throw the rest of the toast away and wash out my mouth with water.
???: Hey, what's going on?
Y/N: J-Jimin...
Jimin: Hm?
Y/N: Jimin, I thought blood was jam.
I pout.
Jimin: What?
Y/N: There was blood in a glass jar and I thought it was jam...
Jimin: But who did that!?
Y/N: Exactly...
Jimin: It wasn't me! I don't know who it is!
Y/N: Ugh I feel disgusting right now...
Jimin: It's only blood. Show me it.
Y/N: Okay...
I squint my eyes and get the jar out of the fridge again. Then I pass it to Jimin.
Jimin: Oh... *Turns the jar around* I think I know...
Y/N: Ew no! Don't tell me who's it is!
Jimin: It's not a person Y/N...
Y/N: You mean... No! I tasted animal blood!?
Jimin covers his mouth and giggles.
Jimin: "Ew Y/N! You're gross!"
Y/N: Why would you keep something like that!?
Jimin: I don't know, in case we're ever hungry?
Jimin sarcastically shrugs. He opens the lid and sticks two fingers into it.
Y/N: Jimin! You're tasting animal blood!
Jimin: No shit Sherlock, besides, it's delicious.
He licks his fingers while looking at me.
Y/N: Jimin you're gross!
Jimin: What? I've tasted your blood?
Y/N: Aish don't remind me!
Jimin: Hehe~
After his fingers are clean again he closes the lid and passes it back to me.
Jimin: Hey, put it back in the fridge.
Y/N: Hmph.
I open the fridge once again and place it inside. Jimin Walks to the sink and washes his hands.

*Time skip*
Hyuna: Y/N!
Y/N: Hyuna!?
Hyuna: Surprise!?
I embrace her.
Y/N: How did you get here!? Why are you here!?
Hyuna: Well, Jimin invited me~
Y/N: I can't believe it. You're actually here!?
Hyuna: Yes Y/N.
Y/N: Come in!

*Jihoon Pov*
Aish it's so boring...
Jihoon: Hey, do you guys wanna go outside?
Joshua: Hell yes! There's so many forests around here!
Hoshi: Then What are we waiting for!?
Jihoon: Lets go!
That being said, we all walk out of the room and out of the house. We can hear footsteps of two people back in the hallway but I don't care.
Jihoon: So where should we go?
Hoshi: Lets go West!
Joshua: Alright!
We all turn into our werewolf form and run to the West.
Joshua: Come on Vernon!
Hoshi: Yeah! Catch up!
Vernon: I'm trying my best!
Joshua: Aha!

Then we all stop in the middle of a forest.
Jihoon: Woah... look at all the trees!
Vernon: There's so many bugs!
Hoshi sits down on a tree stump and observes the scenery.
Joshua: Well, I think we found where we'll be spending most of our time.
Jihoon: That's for sure...
Vernon: Guys! Look at this caterpillar.
I turn my head to see Vernon holding a green and yellow caterpillar by its tail.
Hoshi: Leave the poor guy alone.
Vernon: Look at the way to Moves!
Joshua: Yes Vernon, we've all seen a caterpillar before.
Vernon: But it jiggles when it crawls around...
Jihoon: What is up with you?
Vernon: I don't know.
He laughs, placing the insect gently back on the ground. Suddenly we all hear a rustling noise.
???: Why do we have to go here?
A girl laughs.
???: Why not? It's always nice to enjoy the forest.
???: Yeah I suppose.
I give the others a concerned look.
Hoshi: Who goes there!?
The rustling stops.
???: Hyuna! There's someone here!
Hyuna: Y/N calm down!
Everyone else: Y/N!?
Y/N: What...?
We all run towards her. She's here!? She really is here! Y/N!
Hoshi: Y/N!
Y/N: Hoshi!? Vernon!? Joshua!? Jihoon!?
Hyuna: Who the hell are you?
Y/N: Hyuna! These are my childhood friends! That's Hoshi and Joshua, the guys you saw at my house!
Hoshi and Joshua hug her tightly.
Y/N: I missed you guys so much...
Hoshi: I missed you as well...

*Y/N Pov*
We let go of each other's embraces.
Hyuna: Oh... okay...
Vernon: It's nice to s-see you again Y/N.
Y/N: Oh man, I haven't seen you in a while.
Vernon: Y-yeah...
Jihoon: Oh Y/N!
Y/N: Huh?
Jihoon: We brought you gifts!
Vernon: But it's back at the... house...
Y/N: Why are you guys here?
I ask as we all start walking back to the house.
Hyuna: Yeah.
Jihoon: Yoongi invited us.
Joshua: Only for a few weeks.
Y/N: Well, I'm just so happy to see you all!
Hyuna: M-maybe Y/N and I should stay back while you four go get the gifts.
Y/N: Aw it's okay Hyuna, I don't mind.
Hyuna: Well Maybe it isn't the best time for gifts then. Let's just stay out here.
Y/N: Why? What's wrong?
Hyuna: Nothing, nothing! It's just um... I wanna stay out h-here...
Y/N: Hyuna.
Hyuna: What...?
Y/N: I know somethings wrong. Why are you trying to stop me from going in the house?
Hoshi: Ooo...
Joshua: Shh.
Hoshi: You shh.
Hyuna: Well uh... nothing! I'm not trying to stop you at all Y/N!
Y/N: Well it's too late now, we- Who's that...?
Hyuna: Y/N! Run!
Guards: There's the human!

Thanks for Reading Chapter Five

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