Chapter Nine

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It's currently the afternoon and I'm on laundry duty. So I really am like a slave... there's a metal rope tied to me so that I can't escape. I'm outside on a closed grass area folding clothes from the clothes line. I hear foot steps approaching me so I quickly turn around to see... a... tall young girl standing there...

???: H-hello... are you Y/N...?
Y/N: Ah y-yes I am.
???: The Queen sent me down here to work with you.
She shyly informs.
???: I-if that's okay with you...
Y/N: Yes of course! It gets really lonely out here so I'm glad I have another person with me.
I continue folding as she sits beside me and looks around.
???: My name is Averlie.
Y/N: Oh nice to meet you! You have such a pretty name!
Averlie: T-thank you and it's nice to meet you too.
I smile. She seems so sweet.
Y/N: Are you human, vampire or something?
Averlie: Actually im a human just like you...

Time feels as if it froze. I sit there like an idiot looking at her face.
Y/N: Kya!? You're, you're a human!? Like me!?
She seems caught off guard and scared.
Averlie: Y-yes, I'm sorry is that bad...?
Y/N: No! I just finally met another human!
She softly smiles.
Averlie: Dont worry, there's many humans around.
Y/N: Woah really!?
Averlie: Yes.
Averlie quietly giggles.
Averlie: You're So enthusiastic, it's adorable.
The corners of my lips curl into a cheesy smile. Averlie takes a pile of clothes and starts folding them with me.
Averlie: How long have you been here for?
Y/N: I've been here for a one day I think...
Averlie: I've been here for two weeks... I don't know when I'll be able to go back or if I even can.
Y/N: What did you do?
Averlie: To get in here?
Y/N: Yeah.
Averlie: Well... I was caught on supernatural land since I heard calls of wolves...
Y/N: Oh...
Averlie: What about you?
Y/N: It's a bit of a long story...
Averlie: It'll pass time.
Y/N: Alright. Let's just say that I was living with some vampires and the Queen found out and she wanted to take me in.
Averlie: Oh my... why were you with Vampires?
Y/N: One took me from the streets while I was looking for my sister then they later explained they only took me to keep me safe...
Averlie: Oh, okay!
Y/N: It's really weird.
Averlie: No it sounds so interesting.
I look down at the pile of clothes. There's still a little left. We continue folding clothes and talking. Until... night rolls by. The guards have told me that every night, I'll be going to the chambers...

???: Oh she's back?
E'Dawn: We missed you Y/N~
I keep my mouth shut.
???: Got nothing to say? Good.
As their fangs pierce into my skin, a flashing image of Namjoon Passes my mind. That was out of nowhere... ugh I miss them so much...
???: Ah Y/N...
The man goes down on his knees and opens my legs.
Y/N: No stop! What are you doing!?
???: You're So fun...
Wooseok: I heard her family name is Kim.
???: Oh no wonder she's so sweet.
???: Their family bloodline was passed down from Queen Anastasia wasn't it?
I freeze.
Y/N: What!?
???: Queen Anastasia? The o-
Y/N: Why didn't anyone tell me!?
E'Dawn: So your little vampire friends didn't tell you? Such a shame.
Wooseok: It's true Y/N.
???: No wonder the Queen hates you so much...
Y/N: I... I never thought of that...
Wooseok: Kim Anastasia, Queen of the South.
Y/N: My god...
???: Anyways, where were we?~
He continues stroking up and down my leg. My legs shake as I feel his cold fingers meet my skin.
Y/N: N-no... please s-stop...
The man then lifts one of my legs and bites into me. I scream out in pain. He hums in satisfaction and continues biting me. I thrash against the hand cuffs and the rope.
???: Good luck doing that...
I break the rope that's around my cuffed hands and move my hands infront of me, hitting the man on the head.
???: You little bitch!
Y/N: I said don't touch me didn't I!?
E'Dawn: Fuck.
There's only rope around my waist. I try to bend down to bite the rope off but it's too thick. A pair of hands push me down, still on the chair.
Y/N: Ow! What the hell!?
Wooseok climbs on top of me.
Wooseok: I hate it when you talk. So shut your m-
Y/N: No! You listen to me! I am just as important as you all! I'm still a living being!  What the fuck are you idiots doing with your lives!?
Wooseok: Listen we were honestly just being nice to you.
???: It's a shame that you won't do the same.
???: Looks like we aren't gonna hold back anymore.
Y/N: No...

Thanks for Reading Chapter Nine

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