Chapter Three

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Hoshi: Where's Y/N!?
The hell is he doing here!?
Taehyung: Why are you here? And... Josh... and Jihoon... and... Vernon..?
Woozi: Aish, Yoongi invited us okay? Now can you please let us in?
I feel hesitant to do so. Ugh fuck it.
Taehyung: Fine Whatever.
I step out of the way to allow them to come in.
Taehyung: Yoongi! Your annoying brother and his friends are here!
Out of nowhere Yoongi appears.
Yoongi: Oh you made it?
Woozi: Yeah, now where do we sleep?
Yoongi: Sheesh, we have lots of vacant rooms alright?
Hoshi: Alright then.
And just like that Yoongi leads them into the hallway. I scratch the back of my neck. What now...? Oh, I should probably get back to Y/N. I walk back to my room where she is. She's still on the bed looking out the window.
Y/N: Oh you're back.
Taehyung: Yeah, What do you want to talk about now?
Y/N: I want to know more about your past, Jungkook told me his. You were involved with it.
Taehyung: Do I really have to?
Y/N: Yes~
Taehyung: Fine, after he left I was beat up and bullied by some kids. But I didn't let that get the best of me. I knew I'd see Jungkook again, I just knew it. And I did. But... I was... turned into a vampire and bribed in order to see him.
Y/N: What was the offer?
Taehyung: A vampire said that he could turn me into a vampire and that way I could see Jungkook. But... I had to kill a certain person...
Y/N: And who was that?
Taehyung: ...I don't want to talk about it.
My face is still as I look at the ground with no emotion. I don't have to tell her and I don't want to. The warmth of hands touch my face. My eyes look up to see me face to face with her. What is she doing to me... I can't handle it. I want to...
Y/N: You can tell me Taehyung, I won't look at you any different.
Taehyung: You... you won't believe it...
Y/N: Yes I will.
Taehyung: Fine. I had to *Gulp* Kill... my mother... which led to my sister running away... and I don't know about my father.
Y/N: Taehyung... but, why did the vampire want your mother?
Taehyung: Of course my mother was a human, and he obviously wanted to suck out her blood until she was nothing. Therefore I had to kill her...
Y/N: Just to see Kookie...?
Taehyung: Listen I had a rough life, the least I could do was see my best friend again...
Y/N: How old were you...?
Taehyung: Why does it matter... I'm still an awful person either way. There's no changing that Y/N.
Y/N: Taehyung I asked you a question. I'm expecting an answer.
She's more stern, which is very uncommon. It's much more different than how she usually is...
Taehyung: Alright then, I was 14, there that's it. That's all you need to know.
Y/N: S-so... that wasn't long ago!?
Taehyung: Why do you think I can't control my thirst of blood around you, I haven't been a vampire my whole life.
Y/N: I know I know... thanks for telling me.
Taehyung: It's okay.
I sigh and slowly fall back on the bed with my hands behind my head.
Y/N: But who turned you...?
Taehyung: More questions, great. You don't need to know.
Y/N: Ugh Fine. I'll figure it out myself.
She gets up and leaves, slamming the door behind her. Geez, she's always in a bad mood. My eyes close. A short nap couldn't hurt...

*Y/N Pov*
The wood floor bangs against my feet as I stomp back to my room. Ugh he can't just answer a simple question!? I just need to know! They know everything about me! It isn't fair!
???: Y/N is everything okay?
I stop dead in my tracks and look up.
Y/N: Jin?
Jin: Hey.
He smiles.
Jin: Whats wrong?
Y/N: Jin, I... want to know more about your pasts. You guys know almost everything about me...
Jin: I think it's better if that's the way it stays.
Y/N: Jin! Come on! I only just want to know a few things...
Jin: It won't change anything Y/N, even just extra i-
Y/N: I don't care Jin! I only want to know and that's it. I don't care about the benefits of anything!
Jin: Aish, don't yell at me.
I pout.
Jin: But even just by curiousness there's no point. It's hard to explain. It's... very difficult to tell our pasts. We all didn't have good pasts, maybe except me...
Y/N: Great now can you tell me?
Jin: No, Y/N. That's final.
Jin Walks away with his hands in his pockets. Are you kidding me!? I was so close!

Thanks for Reading Chapter Three
Yes, I'm back~

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