Chapter 6

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Erik sat across the room from Charles, who had his head tucked between his knees with his hands folded over his head. Charles hadn't moved since he'd seen the video. Erik assumed he wasnt sleeping either due to the lack of screaming nightmares. To be honest, at this point, he was rather worried.

This is my fault, and everything's going to shit. I cant do anything. I'm so useless.

Erik stood up and turned around and punched the wall. He screamed in rage as he pummeled the wall with his knuckles. Why? Why am I cursed here? Erik shouted as he banged both of his fists above his head as he slowly sank down to his knees. He would've cried if all his emotion hadn't been drained out of him.

He stared at his hand. It was bleeding. I just need to give up.

Charles' head wasnt looking down anymore. Erik noticed and made eye contact eye contact with the telepath and realized how the once piercing blue eyes had lost all their life. Look what I've done. Erik tore his gaze away. Charles continued to stare adamantly at Erik.

"I've failed you." Charles finally said. Erik whipped his head back up.

"Oh god, Erik I am so sorry." Charles clutched his face. "Why couldn't I have let you walk away when you wanted to?" Charles laughed dryly. "Oh wait, I know why. Its because I am a bloody black hole!" He roared across the room, arms clutching his chest. "Every single person who's ever come near me has suffered. Raven's dead. All of my students are dead. Even youre dead!" Charles cast his gaze away from Erik and sighed, "in your own way." Charles banged his head back into the wall.


I need to say something. He needs me. He will die. Erik mind flashed to Charles being tortured and Raven being killed, both times. No.

Charles fell back down to his knees and spoke in a mere whisper. "I cant be trapped in here with myself. Do you know what goes one in here?" Charles tapped his head. "Its an endless cycle of pure self loathing. Of every time I've ever hurt someone, everything I've done wrong. On constant replay. Never stopping. And no one to interrupt it."

Charles started sobbing. "I'm so sorry Erik. I'm sorry you have to be stuck in here with me. I'm sorry I couldn't save the both of us. I'm sorry that I forced you to become invested with me. I'm so so sorry." Charles began shaking. "Oh god." He let out a raspy breath as he began chanting, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Erik moved closer to Charles, wanting to comfort him.

"NO! Stay back Erik. I'll only cause you more harm." Charles put his hand up and started to move away.

No Charles. Dont shut me out. Please. Of course, Charles couldn't hear Erik in his head. He needs to hear me.

Charles curled up in the corner, rocking back and forth, still chanting and staring into space.

I have to. If it helps Charles, its worth it.

Charles gave a loud cry and buried his head in his knees.


Erik took in a deep breath. "Charles." Erik whispered hoarsely. Funny what not speaking for 3 months could do to ones vocal cords.

Charles whipped is head up and stared at Erik in disbelief. "Did you say something?" Charles asked, not believing his sleep deprived brain.

Erik sat right next to Charles. "I'm here now." Erik managed to croak out.

Charles' eyes widened as he searched Erik's face, as if he was seeing a whole new person.

"I'm so sorry Charles. I know I've been a hor-" Erik was abruptly cut off by Charles' lips smashed against his. Erik froze for a moment before his mind comprehended what was happening and gave into the kiss.

Erik grabbed Charles' neck tilted his head back as he deepened the kiss, desperate to get closer.

Every single ounce of sadness and anger was lost in these few moments of pure bliss. Erik pressed himself closer into Charles as he dragged his fingertips from Charles' neck to his ribs, settling on his hips. Charles' hands flew up to rest behind his neck.

Their foreheads rested against each other as their hot breath clashed between heated kisses.

"BREAK IT UP!" Guard Number Twenty- Three yelled over the speaker. "I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THAT!"

What just happened?

Charles became very red in the face as he extracted his hands from Erik's hair. Erik couldn't help but notice how adorable it was.

"Uh. Sorry for that." Charles mumbled, clearly flustered.

Erik sat there, not quite believing that he just kissed his oldest friend. "No," Erik coughed, "Thats alright. I quite enjoyed it." He said this while still staring straight ahead in a daze.

Charles smiled and looked down. "Uh, could I...? I mean I'm getting tired and... I just thought that.... Never mind."

Erik chuckled as he opened his arms for Charles to crawl into for the night. Charles shyly slid into Erik's embrace.

"Thank you my
friend." Charles said, as he planted a kiss on Erik's jaw.

"Goodnight Charles." Erik said as he drifted off to sleep.

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