Chapter 7

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Erik leaned his head back against the wall. He had Charles in his arms. Ever since they'd kissed, they were hardly ever separated. I should've started talking again way before now, Erik thought as he toyed with Charles hair.

Charles turned his head to look sleepily up at Erik.

"Good morning, my friend," Erik said with a smile.

"Good morning." Charles paused before adding, "I think it's fair to say we are a little more than friends Erik."

"And yet, the title remains." Erik said as he chuckled as he leaned down to kissed Charles.

Charles sighed in content as Eriks lip met his.

The door opened with a bang and Guard Number Six stalked in with trays of food, making as much noise as possible hoping it would cause the couple would separate.

Erik noticed Charles' face screw up in confusion as he noticed which guard it was.

"Where is Five?" Charles asked, concern laced in his voice.

Guard Number Six set the trays down and turned towards Charles with a malicious smile. "Oh, I dont think you want to know that."

Charles' face went white as a sheet. "What have you done to him?" Charles whispered.

Guard Number Six chuckled. "Me? Well, technically I didn't do anything. All I did was inform the head of security of Guard Number Five's disobedience."

Erik felt Charles' breathing quicken. Please dont have a panic attack.

"Of course, once they heard of Five's slip up he had to be silenced."


"We couldn't run the risk of him telling everyone how we treat out most important guests. Now, could we?"

Charles started to shift to his knees. "What did you do?" Charles asked, the intensity in his voice only strengthening his sound.

"Cant you guess mutant?" Guard Number Six smiled widely, "We killed him."

Shit no.

Charles sank backwards onto his heels. His hands found his head as he began to tug at his hair, eyes wide as if he was still trying to comprehend what he'd heard.

"Not just him, but his whore wife and bastard son as well." Guard Number Six whipped his head back and let out a laugh. "From what I heard, they didn't even try to run away when they were getting shot down. They were to "frozen" with "fear". Guard Number Six added, mocking the words frozen and fear.

Charles sat there staring straight ahead, mouth agape.

"Well this certainly has bee fun. But I've got to run. Hey do you want to go grab dinner sometime?" Guard Number Six asked.

Charles just stared up at his face.

"Oh wait, I guess you'll be a little busy. Rotting away in here." Guard Number Six cackled as he left the cell, slamming the door on his way out.

Erik observed Charles worriedly, not quite sure how the news would affect the man.

"Charles?" Erik asked, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Charles?" Erik asked firmly.

"He's dead." Charles whispered, not turning around. "He's dead and so is his whole family."

"Charles you cant blame yourself for that." Erik said. After being silent for so long, he wasn't very good at providing verbal consolation.

"Did you know he had a son?" Charles barked, whipping around. "He had a 15 year old son who is dead now. Dead. Because of me!" Charles' breathing sped up considerably. "I killed him!" He began rocking back and forth, grasping his hair.

Erik knew Charles was about to have a panic attack. When they first arrived, Charle had many panic attacks. He never went 3 days without having one in the first 4 weeks. After a while they stopped, but they became more frequent again after he saw the torture video.

Erik moved to envelope him in a hug. "DONT TOUCH ME ERIK!" Charles screamed as he scrambled to a corner, slumped back and sobbed, "They hurt five. They're going to hurt us too. Erik, I am going to hurt you too. Its all my fault Erik. Mine. My fault." Charles began clawing at his face.

"This wasnt you Charles, you did nothing wrong." Erik offered.

"ON THE CONTRARY!" Charles screamed, sitting straight up, laughing maniacally, "if I," he jabbed himself in the chest, "never existed," He started laughing painfully, his face contorted, "they would all still be ALIVE! THEY WOULD ALL BE ALIVE AND YOU," Charles choked on his air, "WOULDNT BE STUCK IN HERE." Charles threw his back to the floor and resumed sobbing, tossing slightly from side to side.

"Just kill me Erik." Charles cried into his hands covering his face.

I cant help him. Erik slowly stood up and walked over to Charles. He lay down next to Charles and folded his hands on his stomach, keeping distance between their bodies, about a foot.

Charles began silently crying, mouthing nonsensical words. Charles choked back his tears. He turned his body and buried his head into Erik's chest, clutching onto his shirt.

Erik moved to wrap his arm around Charles' shoulder, drawing his closer. Charles let out a shaky sigh and nestled his head further into Erik.

"Charles, if you didn't exist I wouldn't either. You saved me." Erik said softly, running his hand up and down Charles' back.

"I'm sorry." Charles whispered.

"I love you."

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