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Rosé POV

I got new busmate Mina. She is my friend since school. She joined in the school itself at the middle. We used to be so close at the school times. We used to play guitar together. Her dream is also like mine but her parents are willing for her dream and waiting for the right opportunity to enroll there until that she is going to my college but different department.We have many things in common. She recently shifted in our area. So we became so close to each other.
I used to say many things like what happening in our class. She would also say about hers. One day she asked me, ' Hey Rosé, do you know Jungkook guy who is coming in our bus,he is your classmate right?'
I replied ' Yes but why all are asking about him itself?'
She said ' He's so famous and my classmates used to see him a lot and talk about him...... I'm just asking '
'Okay '
When I thought of having peace everyone will talk about him itself like the world is revolving around him.I just signed. He is so famous so everyone will talk about him only. I'm just a no one here.
She continued ' Do you know he used to stand near his lover's bus and they used to talk there a lot. My friends see him there a lot. Even he got a new nickname 'Black dress guy ' . As he used to wear mostly black shirts '.
She giggled .
I also started smiling.
She said ' Finally you smiled, what happened Is it a bad day?'
' Nope just thinking of something else '.
' Oh but I don't believe you. I know about you '.
I know I could say this her but I don't want anybody to know this.
I said ' I am so irritated when someone say about Jungkook '
She got confused ' But Why Rose??? What happened????'.
Nearby Joy and Wendy is there.
Wendy said ' I also hate talking about him because all girls are literally talking about him. I know that he is good looking and well talented but he is here like getting more attention for his looks not for his talents. Even professors are falling for him '
Joy asked her ' Yeah but it seems like you too fall for him?'
With that Mina and myself without knowingly laughed at Wendy.
Wendy just pouted at Joy. They're always like a inseparable duo.
Suddenly Chanyeol entered our bus. I just smiled at him. He also smiled and crossed me and went backside. With that smile I saw Jungkook entering my bus. He saw me smiling and give me a confusing look. I just turned opposite direction. My heart beat get raised by seeing him itself. I wanted to control it.
I turned to Mina and said ' Black dress guy just crossed us '
We laughed.
Joy asked me 'Did you smile at him?'
Wendy's eyes are projected outside like ready to tear me apart if I said yes towards that question.
I simply shrugged and said ' No I just smile towards Chanyeol but I didn't notice Jungkook came after him at that time '.
Wendy asked ' Do you speak with Chanyeol?'
' Yes,He is a good friend of mine '.
Mina asked ' Which stop that guy?'
Joy answered ' Mine but why are you asking?'
Mina said ' Because his cousin Baekhyun is my classmate so that only I am asking '
I said ' Yeah He also said about his cousin studying in your department.'
Wendy asked ' You're that much close with him?'
I said ' Yes He is like a brother to me '.
They all nodded.
While saying about Chanyeol I feel like a person talking about her brother. He is so friendly and I like him so much.

We heard a sound at the back. They all turned back but I didn't.
Mina said ' Did you hear the music? It is my favourite song '.
I said ' Oh really '
I turned back from where the music comes from.
With that turning back,I saw him seeing in my direction. I literally turned back to my original position. Mina asked ' Did you hear it?'
I nodded. I asked myself ' did I just have a daydream or did he really looked at my direction?'
I thought I maybe daydreaming.
I called Mina and asked her to see if Jungkook is looking in our direction.
She said ' No, he is looking outside '
I said ' Oh okay '
She asked ' what happened?'
Joy called us and asked us to see outside.
There is a new store opening . We started discussing about that stuffs.

I thought to myself ' I'm just daydreaming and I am thinking of going to get caught myself soon to Mina. Better I should be careful with myself but this feeling is getting more day by day. What I am going to do with this feeling. It's just getting hurt day by day. To make worst, I'm seeing him daily '.

Thank you so much for showing much positiveness in this story

___________________________Thank you so much for showing much positiveness in this story

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#91 Jungri

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