Fraternizing With The Enemy

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Lydia's POV

"Oh my god, what the hell are you doing here so early?" I yelled.

"I came to see you," Matt gave me a puppy grin.

"Ugh, ok. Come in, it's freezing outside and I don't want you to get sick."

"Oh, so she dose have a heart," Matt said with sarcasm.

"Listen, I just don't want you to stand outside on my porch at 4 in the morning," I retorted. "Anyways what do you want?"

"Ok, so at the party you know when you said you would give me a second chance? Well I'm here for my second chance." Matt said flashing me a smile

"Matt! Not at this very moment!"

"Go pack your stuff."


"Get a suitcase, pack a bathing suit, clothes, shoes, dress, pajama and all that. We're leavening in 20."

"Wait slow down, don't get your balls in a twist. Who do you think you are coming to my house knocking on my door at 4 in the morning..."

As I scolded Matt I didn't notice he was putting stuff in my purse. A phone charger, toothbrush, blankets, hair brush, and clothes were being stuffed in my bag.

"...Matt are you even listening?"

"Um, yes beautiful."

"Don't call me that," I spat.

"Ok precious."

"Oh my god Matt! Get out my house, your getting on my nerves! I-"

Before I could even finsh my protest, Matt duck taped my mouth and picked me up army style. He grabbed all my belongings and grabbed the keys off the counter. Matt put me in his car and started to drive off.

After driving for 15 minutes, Matt stopped at a gas station and took the duck tape off my mouth. He slowly peeled it off, trying not to hurt me.

"Matt! What the fuck?! you can't just barge into my house and kidnap me! You can get into so much trouble for this! You're the biggest ass-"

"You've ever met," Matt cut me off. "Yea, yea. Blah, blah, blah. Can you quit complaining, we have a long trip ahead of us. We only have one week so can you stop going off on me and enjoy my company? I called your parents and the school already. They know your taking a trip, so stop freaking out."

"Oh my god. Fine, and I didn't even bring clothes for a week."

"Lydia shut up. I'll buy you clothes, now quit complaining already!"

"Whatever, I'm cold," I shivered.

"Then get the blanket I brung."

"But my feet aren't cold, just my arms."

With that, Matt slammed the brakes. I could see his face, bright red of anger. I swore he was going to let me out here and make me walk back home in the cold. Instead, he put his head on the steering wheel and gave me a glance. He took of his jacket and gave it to me. As he reached over to cover my arms with his jacket, he gave my forehead a kiss and in a mellow tone said,

"Listen Lydia, I'm sorry I surprised you and made you wake up so early and dragged you out of your house with booty shorts and a tank, which you look hot in, but that's not the point. I'm sorry and I really want to take you on this weekend get away, but can you please stop complaining. I'm trying really hard to make you happy, even though I know by this point your not, but I don't do this with any girl. And since I'm doing this to you, you look special in my eyes. I'm not saying that your not special because you are, but please, please, please, can you just cooperate with me for one weekend. If you completely hate me after this weekend, I will no longer talk to you or even make eye contact with you. So what do you say?"

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