It All Went Down

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Okay, so as you know, there are three people writing this story.

We all write our own POV

Jenna : Malcolm's POV

Rebecca : Hayley's POV

Kym : Lydia's POV

There are going to be more minor characters, such as parents or others. At the end of the minor POV's we will put an A/N on who wrote the POV.

Thank you for reading (:

- Jenna


We also don't mind constructive criticism, anything that will help us with writing is great. But please don't be rude.

If y'all want something to happen in a chapter, let us know and we will try to make it happen and credits will be given.

I hope you guys enjoy! :)

- Kym


Hey so I'm going to be stupid! Like always! I saw everyone leaving an authors note! And why not me make one just cause the other two are. Yes peer pressure is a bitch!Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter. Feel free to be mean if you have to. Just kidding please don't be mean. Lol ok this was a waste of your time so I will leave so you can keep reading!

Adiós mis amores! In other words good bye my loves!

- Rebecca

Malcolm's POV

"Hayley? I really need to talk to you, please call me back soon."

I left the message on her phone and hung up. Hayley and I have been best friends since 2nd grade, we've been through everything together. She really wanted to spend this Christmas with me, but at the last minute, my mom and I have to go to my grandparent's house in Toronto tonight. But my mom will be leavening latter tomorrow.

Hayley's ringtone went off and I answered immediately. "Hey! What did you need to tell me?" She said, this is going to be hard. "Well I know that I promised we could spend Christmas together," I started, but she cut me off. "Don't tell me that you can't come over!" She said sadly, yet angrily at the same time. "I'm sorry Hayles. My mom just told me we're flying to Toronto tonight to see my grandparents, I can't do anything about it. I'll see you in a few days though." I explained and she sighed, then hung up the phone.


I laid back on my bed and listened to music for a while, when my mom came into my room. "Malcolm, finish packing, we're leaving in an hour." She said and walked back out, closing my door. I got up and finished packing my electronics and chargers, and brought my suitcase downstairs. We all piled up in the car and headed to the airport. It took about an hour until we got onto the plane, but at least I was ready for the 20 hour flight that I get to look forward to.

I got on the plane and sat down. "Alright folks, we're about to take off, so please keep off all electronics until the next announcement." I made sure that my phone and iPod were off, and buckled up. The plane took off, and soon I was able to turn everything back on. I relaxed and listened to music for a few hours. This is going to be a long flight.


Hayley's POV

How can Malcolm be such an insensitive bitch. Oh my god. I was coming back from volleyball practice when I saw his name appear on my screen. My whole world lit up and I answered his call, expecting him to say that he was on his way. Winter break started today, and Malcolm and I were going to spend it together. He was suppose to spend every night at my house. He promised me, but no. The call was to tell me that his mom changed her minds at last minute. Malcolm just had to fly to Toronto to see Malcolm's grandparents. This makes me so angry. I'm trying hard to understand that Malcolm needs to see his grandparents since he hasn't seen them in so long. But I really wanted to see his green eyes, his soft pink lips, and the way his beautiful brown hair flipped to the side. I wanted him to watch movies with me during the whole break so he could rap his arms around me. I wanted to lay my head on his chest and make jokes about each other, but no we can't. That always crushed me every time he had a girlfriend, I wanted to strangle him every time I saw him kiss a girl. I just wanted to cry. I have had strong feeling of Malcolm for quite a bit now. I just wanted him to be my boyfriend, but it will never happen. Malcolm had every girl in his palm of his hand and he could get anyone of them. So why would he go for me? It sounds ridiculous that a popular guy like that would want to date a low life like me.

As those thoughts ran through my head, I noticed that it was 1 in the morning and I was still up. I made my way to my bed and I found the teddy bear Malcolm made me for my 14th birthday at Build-a-Bear Workshop. I wrapped my arms around it and fell asleep, only to be waken up with horrifying news.


Malcolm's POV

I feel really bad about ditching Hayley. I was supposed to spend the night every night for the whole winter break, and I was looking forward to it so much. I've always liked her, but she never showed any signs of liking me back, so I distracted myself with other girls that really didn't mean anything to me. I know that isn't the smartest idea, but I'm definitely not the smartest person. We were going to cuddle and watch movies, bake cookies, go for walks in the snow, and now we can't do any of that. Yeah, I'm excited to see my grandparents because I haven't seen them in so long, but I was even more excited to spend some time with the girl I love.

I love everything about Hayley. Her beautiful hazel eyes and how her light brown hair falls. Everything about her is perfect, and I'll probably never have her as mine. I got so jealous when she had other boyfriends, because I want that gorgeous girl to be mine . That's all I ever wanted since the fourth grade when I started falling for her. Ugh, why the hell does life have to be so hard?!

The flight was taking forever! I did nothing and just sat with my iPhone and played music. All I could think about was Hayley's soft red lips and how she got that really cute deep red blush when I told her that she look beautiful. All the poor girl wanted was one week of us together, but I couldn't even do that. I promised her that I was going to stay with her, because the week before we had went to this huge high school party, and I promised her that I was going to be right by her side if anything happened. But of course, people started handing me drinks, I started playing beer pong and I noticed that Hayley was not around. I went to go see how my girl was doing, but I couldn't find her. I kept looking around for her when Macy, this girl that I hate, sees me in the form of God and plastered her nasty alcohol tasting lips on mine! She wouldn't let go until my friend Ben had to pry her off of me. As soon that was done and over with, I ran around the house to find Hayley. I heard a scream and I knew it was her. She was up stairs and I found her about to be raped by the hairiest guy in the world. Poor Hayley was undressed to her bra and panties. I tried really hard not to look at her as I punched the hairy guy in the face. He was so drunk that that's the only thing it took to knock him out. I picked up Hayley and ran to the car with her in my arms. Her dress was torn and already off of her, so I wrapped a sheet around her so that it was covering her.

We were about 14 hours into the flight, when my thoughts were disrupted. The plane began to shake and I held onto the seat and all my things. I looked out of the window, only to find a huge storm, black clouds, thunder and lightening. The plane shook again and felt like it was beginning to go down. Everyone was screaming and before I knew it, the plane was crashing and everything faded to black.

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