Chapter 7

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It has been a few hours. Dad didn't feed me anything. I'm stuck in this room with windows that can't be opened. Freak it! I give up. I went to the closet and saw girly stuff. Now how am I supposed to pair these clothes? I just took something randomly. It's a white shirt with a ribbon. It's shows my shoulder tho. Okay what do girls call this? I choose a bottom wear by closing my eyes. Whatever comes first I'll just use it. I grabbed something. Wtf a skirt?! I last wore this when I was 6. Well whatever. I changed my undergarments. Honestly this is my first time wearing a normal bra because the ones that I used makes me looks flat. Should I tuck it in or nah? Tuck it in! I didn't really look bad tho.

(Just imagine her hair is a little shorter and her hair is brown instead of blond)

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(Just imagine her hair is a little shorter and her hair is brown instead of blond)

I wore red lipstick and did my makeup. Since I love drawing, makeup is actually easy to use. I only wore a little since I don't know how to use it like other girls used it. I filled in my eyebrow. All Koreans know how to draw their eyebrows. I wore sneakers tho and earrings. I stood in front of the door. I was about to knock but then dad opened it. "Ah you look so beautiful my daughter" dad said. Suddenly that Mino guy came. "Let's eat lunch" he said. I just rolled my eyes. He hugged my waist and led me to the dining room. My dad sat at the end. I sat at the right. Mino sat beside of me. "Call Jen" dad said. "Who's Jen?" I asked. "Your little sister" he said. I don't know why I'm quite excited to meet her and nervous too I looked at the ground. "Yes appa?" A familiar voice said. Wait what?! "Lunch is ready sweetie" he said. She sat in front of me. I finally looked up. "Lee Jennie?!" I yelled. "Lee Jaehwan?! Wait wait no, Lee Suji?!" She yelled back. "You're my little sister?!" I yelled again. Our frown turns into a bright smile. She ran and hugged me. "I miss you so much unnie" she said. "I literally thought you were a guy the moment we first met" she said. I chuckled. "How's your knee?" I asked. "It's fine already" she said. Dad faked coughed. "We should probably eat now" she said and let me go. We sat at the dinning table and start digging in. After finishing a maid came and cleared the table. "You sweeties go and have a sweet talk in your rooms" dad said. We didn't hesitate but ran towards her room. "Unnie I missed you so f#####g much" she said. "Yah no swearing" I said and flicked her forehead. "Yah I legit fell in love with you when you helped me that day" she said. "You are so handsome so cute so charming and you're a member of BTS too" she said and started daydreaming about my guy form. "Too bad you already knew I'm a girl" I teased her. She pouted cutely. "You got a lot prettier" I said and looked at her. "But unnie you're so tall" she said. "I know right, I don't need heels to look tall" I said and laughed. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Let's go play around the house!" She said excitedly. I just nodded. She pulled me to the living room. "Let's play hide and go seek" she said. "Still childish as ever" I said earning a smack by my dongsaeng. "I'll count to 30" she said and began counting. I ran in random directions since I don't know any parts of this mansion. Then I saw a door slightly opened. Wait that's dad's office. "Since we got her already the wedding is going to be in 2 days. I already did the preparation" I heard dad said. Jennie appeared out of no where. We both were eavesdropping dad's conversation. "How about Jennie then?" Another voice said. "I'll marry her off to a young CEO of a successful company next year" Appa said again. "So basically you're gonna marry off your daughter to a successful person?" Someone said. We heard dad hummed in response. We widen our eyes when we heard his plan. I grabbed Jennie's wrist and pulled her to my room. "We have to escape tomorrow" I said. She nodded in response. After a few minutes of planning we finally had a few plans. "My room has a balcony" she said. "Okay now go pack your stuff" I said. She nodded and left. I grabbed a bag that was in my room and kept my undergarments earlier. I searched for my guy clothes but it was nowhere to be found. I bet dad threw it away already.

Time skipped

Dad left for work with CEO Song from Winner's Company. I just knew he was a CEO from a huge and very successful company. But no offense he looks like a devil. Now me and Jennie are alone in the mansion. I went into Jennie's room. She was in her closet. "Woah you legit don't have any jeans?" I asked her in disbelief. "Well if you look in your closet there's only skirts and dresses and shorts" she said about to go crazy. "Don't forget your school uniform" I said. She nodded.

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