Chapter 8

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I choose clothes randomly but it matches anyways. My closet doesn't even have shorts. "Unnie wear this" Jennie gave me an earring. "Just this once" I said when she did aegyo. I wore the earrings it's not bad tho. Jennie wore a jean skirt and a white top and she wore the matching shoes as mine. She also did my makeup for no reason. (Image above)

We jumped off the balcony in Jennie's room. Thank goodness it wasn't so high. Me and Jennie then ran in a normal direction. When we were sure we were far enough we stopped. "Where's your phone?" I asked. "I stole your phone here" Jennie said and handed me my phone. "Where did you get this?" I asked curious. "In dad's room" she replied. I turned my phone on. 1% seriously?! "Lil sis let's just use your phone" I said. She handed me her phone. I opened Google Maps. "Wait for all this time we were actually at Seoul?!" I yelled in disbelief. She nodded. "Dad kidnapped me from Han River to Seoul wow" I said in disbelief. "Come on it would take us 1 and a half hour by walking to eomma's house from here" I said. After a few hours of walking we were so hungry. We stopped at a chicken restaurant. After finish eating I paid the bills and we went out. Suddenly we saw dad's men everywhere. I pulled Jennie into a shop. "Annyeong! Do you sell any face mask and sunglasses her?" I asked panicked. "Yes it's at the right corner" the guy answered. We ran there and took 2 black masks and 2 sunglasses. We walked outside casually passing dad's men. Suddenly we saw dad and Mino and another new guy. "That's your soon to be fiancé" I told Jennie. She gulped in fear. We were about to leave but dad saw us and slowly started approaching us. We ran as fast as we could. We bumped into someone. I looked up. "Jimin!" I yelled panicked. "Who are you?" He said. "It's Jaehwan" I said. "Hurry hide us!" I yelled. "Yikes" he said and pulled me and Jennie into a huge house. "This is my house. I would always be alone since mom and dad are always on a business trip" he said. We took off our disguise. Jimin was staring deep into me. I cleared my throat. "It's somehow embarrassing for a man to wear a woman clothes" I said avoiding eye contact with him. "You look so beautiful, Suji" he said. Me and Jennie's eyes widen when he said my real name. "How did you knew?!" I yelled. "Honestly, I followed you when you ran to Hangang Park and I hid behind a bush and I heard you yelling that you are a girl and you yelling your name" he said and laughed nervously while scratching the nape of his neck. I glared daggers at him. "I'll let you live if you keep that secret to yourself" I said. He nodded and looked down. "Why did you faked your identity tho?" He asked. "You're such a beautiful girl and a handsome guy" he said and laughed pitifully. "Jimin I swear I'm gonna kill you if you treat me like a girl in front of others besides Jennie" I said and glared at him. "I will Suji I promise" he said. "Don't call me Suji in front of others too" I said sternly. "Jennie, call me oppa at school okay?" I said softly and caressed her cheek. "Why are you so cold to us but so soft to your little sister" he said and pouted. "Because you all are idiots" I said. "My best idiots" I added. Jimin smiled like crazy when I said that. "Now what are we supposed to do?" Jennie spoke up. "Jimin could you send us to ________ address" I said. "Sure I have nothing to do anyways" he said. We sneaked out and went to his car. Dad's men are still everywhere. It took us fast enough to get there by car. Jimin dropped us off. We bid goodbye and he drove away to the mall. We ran inside the house. "Eomma open the door now!" I yelled while banging the door. Eomma opened the door. We ran in. I locked the door. She had dark circles under her eyes. She then cried and hugged me. "I was so worried about you thank goodness you're okay" she said. "Eomma I found Jen" I said. She let go off me immediately. She looked at Jen. "Jen" eomma said on the urge of crying badly. A tear drop from both of their eyes. "Eomma I missed you so much" Jennie sobbed while hugging mom. "I miss you more my daughter" mom said while sobbing. "Nice reunion" I said awkwardly. They both smacked my head. "Yah it hurts" I said Innocently. "Like mother like daughter" I said and rolled my eyes. "More than you, like father like daughter, or should I say son" eomma teased me emphasizing the word 'son'. Mom looked at me and her eyes widen. "Yah you dirty brat go and change your clothes!" Mom said at me. "There was no man clothes there" I said. "Whatever, just go!" She pushed me into my room. I went out using a white long sleeve shirt and black jeans and boots.

 I went out using a white long sleeve shirt and black jeans and boots

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"Eomma why is unnie so handsome?" Jennie said. "Because your father is hot and he's tall that's why your oppa whoops I mean unnie here is like that" she said and laughed. Mom favours Jennie a lot. I'm fine with that since I love both of them so much. Well my mom you can't believe that she's 30. She looks seriously young and her nickname is Uee. My dad? He's hot but I'm not sure about his looks age. He's 31 tho. Yeah my mom got forced to get married to dad at a very young age. At first they were a normal married couple. But things got complicated when me and Jennie were still so young.


Anyways Lee Jennie is actually Jennie Kim from BlackPink. It's quite obvious tho. Yes I finally revealed who's Suji's little sister. A little spoiler here: I'm gonna make the other chapter a little bit romantic and just wait for the surprise.

Anyways please give me ideas. Feel free to comment anything and please vote!

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