The Lost One Chapter 7

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Charlee's POV

Liam, Ryan, Zayn and I reached the dock about an hour later. We loaded our things onto the boat and the captain told us what to expect for the next two days at sea. (AN I know it's longer than two days but use your imaginations!) The driver left right after we finished unloading the car and from there we met Captain Carlos.

"So you lot are going to Ireland and then Britain, correct?" Captain Carlos asked us. Liam was the one who answered, I was currently standing behind Ryan.

"Yes we are, I assume you know what we are doing?" Liam asked him.

"I know that you are all going to Ireland to find some guy who is going to give you directions so that you could find something in Montserrat, Britain. Then I was to take you back home. I do know that we need to leave as soon as possible so if you want to get there in time you can head to your room and unpack." Is all that Captain told us before he went to the Control room. I walked out from behind Ryan and faced the boys.

"Alright so anyone know where our room is?" I asked and they shook their head. I sighed and started walking, we would find it sometime soon. After five minutes of looking we found our room. It was marked Royal Wolves so we figured it was for us. The boat wasn't all that big so I knew we weren't going to have our own room but the room we got was pretty big itself. There was four twin sized beds with sheets and two pillows each. There was one bathroom and then two dressers. I set my bag on one of the beds and the boys did the same. I decided not to unpack because we would be on the boat for a two day trip then about half of the next day because we would be going to Montserrat. We would get the plant thing and then head home. I laid down on my bed after setting my bag underneath it and decided to take a nap.

Zayn's POV

I put all of my clothes into the dresser that I was sharing with Ryan and put my empty bag under my bed. I glanced around the room and saw Liam putting his things into the dresser he shared with Charlee and speaking of her, she was passed out on her bed. She looked so adorable while she was sleeping. Ryan wasn't in the room so I decided I should explore the boat a little. I walked out of lurking on the boat and looked left and right, trying to decide which way to go. With a shrug I turned left and looked at th doors as I passed. About halfway through the hall the boat jerked forward and I stumbled back. I figured I was walking towards the back of the boat. Once I steadied myself, I continued to walk through the hall. I reached the end and found a staircase that went down. I walked down the stairs and soon reached the deck under my room. Like I did on my floor I looked at all the doors. I stopped at a door labelled kitchen. The room was empty so I walked in quietly. There was the normal things you would find in a kitchen; I walked to the fridge. It was pretty full so I I grabbed a piece of fruit. It was a green apple. I took a bite and walked out of the kitchen. Instead of continuing my trekk through the boat I walked back up the stairs to the top deck. I walked to one side and leant over the railing. I ate my apple and watched the waves below.

After about half an hour I was starting to feel sick so I turned around, threw my apple out and took a slow walk back to our room. I opened the door quietly and shut it slowly. Char was asleep still and li must've gone to find Ryan. I felt the apple start to come back up so I rushed I the bathroom and threw up. Once I was finished I splashed some cold water in my face. I walked out of the bathroom and fell on my friend. With my face in my pillow I fell asleep.

Ryan's POV

I dropped my bag into the room and walked out, not paying any attention to everyone else. Charlee wasn't paying me any attention after Liam found her before we left. I needed to go to where I could relax. Capt. Carlos would know where a good place to relax was, I decided to seek him out. I walked to the Captain's Quarters, knocking on the door. He opened the door and let me in. 

"What can I do for you, Ryan?" He asked as he walked back to whatever he had been doing.

"I need somewhere quiet where I can go without anyone else bothering me." I told him and he nodded, thinking.

"I see, I know just the place you're looking for. Come along," He told me as he walked out of the room. I followed behind and we walked. He led me to a deserted hall that led to a door. "Walk through that door and up the stairs. No one knows about it except me and I don't plan on bothering you. Take as long as you need up there, no jumping off." I nodded and he turned back around and walked back to his Quarters. I walked up the steps and found just what I needed. There wasn't much room, just enough for a person. I laid down and waited, the boat started moving. I walked to the edge of the area. It was the very top, I guess you could call it the Crow's Nest, of the boat, I could see everyone and everything on the top deck but I"m positive they can't see me. I leaned against the rail, my back to the front of the boat. I watched as we traveled from America to Ireland. I just wanted to get off of the boat.

I never liked boats, never. My family went on a cruise with Uncle Jack and our cousins when we were younger and I nearly fell off the boat. I was only ten and it was one of my worst experiences ever.

Except that one time with Maria.

Shut up, don't talk about it. She is never to be mentioned again, I snarled to my wolf. Maria was a touchy subject with me and I never liked talking about it. 

People need to know, maybe your mate?

People do know about it.

People like who? Me, Myself, and I?

No, her parents know about it. It's none of your business anyway.

Oh but it is, especially when it can endanger our mate.

Mel's POV (Char's sister)

After we were told about what Char would be doing, I knew she wouldn't be getting home anytime soon and we needed to head back home. I packed my things along with Samara's while Gion packed. I didn't want to leave but my pack back in Spain needed us. Sure the Beta could run the Pack for a little but it wasn't fair on him so we were only leaving for about a week. 

"Mel I'm finished, do you have Samara's things packed?" Gion asked me.

"Yup, all ready to go. I just hope Char can get home safely." I told him with a sigh at the end.

"So do I Mel, so do I."

Alright very short chapter but in the next chapter you will meet two new characters, well one in the present and another in the past. I got the idea for the next chapter by some random stranger I was talking to. Hope you enjoy! 


Dedicated to Funsizedemon who encouraged me to write this chapter 

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