Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The next day Officer Adams brought me to the airport to meet my uncle. When we made it there I had a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. We sat down and waited for my uncles plane to get in.

While we were waiting I couldn't help but ask myself 'What's he going to be like? Does he have any kids?'. A million different questions went through my mind but were interrupted when someone cleared their throat in front of me. I looked up to find a man in his early 40's with black graying hair and hazel eyes.

"Emma?" the man asked me. I nodded still looking at him. "I'm your uncle, Simon Cowell. I'm sorry to here about your mom, she was a wonderful woman." His eyes glazed over with tears as he said this which made me wonder why I never met him before. I finally broke our gaze and looked at the floor as I said "I know."

He didn't say anything else as we got to the car. His gaze never left me as we made our way to the station as if waiting for me to do something. When we finally made it to the station I wanted to get out of there so bad but couldn't because there was so many people outside.

I heard my uncle swear under his breath and turned to look at him. "Who are these people?" I asked him confused. "Paparazzi. Just stay close to me and don't say anything." He told me as if that explained everything. I nodded still confused.He opened the door and got out then waited for me to get out with him. As soon as I got out I was blinded by all the lights going off. He put his arm around my shoulder as if to protect me from all the people. They started asking questions all at once "Simon who's the girl? Why are you at the police station? Is the girl your daughter?"

It seemed like it took us hours to get to the doors but when we finally did I practically ran inside. Officer Adams came in right after us looking shaken up.

My uncle started mumbling under his breath and I couldn't make out what he was saying. "What was that?" I asked him pointing outside. "That was the paparazzi. I told you that I was Simon Cowell but what I didn't tell you was that I own a music studio in London." he told me. I stared at him shocked then realised everyone was waiting for me to say something. "Why didn't you tell me this at the airport? I would've been ready for them if I had known." I don't think I would've ever been ready for that but he seemed to believe me and said "I'm sorry I didn't know if they had found me yet and I didn't want to worry you."

He came and gave me a quick hug then told me "I'm gonna go fill out all the papers then we can get on a plane to go back to London and get you settled in. Your going to love it there." I smiled at him and he walked off.

When he finally cane back I hadn't moved from my spot. He came and sat by me and said "Everything is done. I'm now your official legal gaurdian until your eighteen. Now lets go so we don't miss our flight." I nodded and we both stood up. The paparazzi hadn't left so we had to make our way through them again. When we made it to the car we got in quickly and made our way to the airport when I remembered "I don't have any clothes!". He chuckled and turned to me "That's fine. When we get to London you can go shopping and get you new clothes." I nodded and thanked him before we got onto the plane. Then it hit me I was going to London!

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