Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 

Its been 3 days since that terrible night and each day he comes and rapes me. While the day passes by I just sit huddled in the corner in a daze hoping he'll just kill me. I've given up hope that someone will find me, I mean they would've already found me if they could right? I heard the door unlock and tried to make myself stop shaking but with no avail I kept shaking. He walked in and laughed at me and said, "Good news baby girl today's going to be your last day with me." I turned to him and gave him a blank stare as I said "Why dont you just kill me and get it over with?" He chuckled and said "O sweety that would be to easy your death will he the most painful of all your family." With that he lunged at me and I could only hope that this would be the last time he had his fun with me. 


Its been a few hours since he last raped me when I heard a car start up and Victor call up to me and say "Good luck baby girl!" I had no clue what he was talking about until I smelt the smoke. He had lit the place on fire! I got up and went to the door very unstable because I hadn't used my legs in days. The door was unlocked to my surprise but when I walked out the fire smoke was so thick that I couldn't see two feet ahead of me. I got on my knees and started crawling without a clue to where I was going. I started coughing from inhaling so much smoke then I heard it...sirens! They had found me! I crawled back to my cell and closed the door hoping to block out some smoke. I started pulling on the boards that were on my window and yelling "Help!" at the same time. I got one of the boards off and poked my head out but was blinded by the sunlight. I called help a couple more times before I started coughing again due to the smoke. I sat down next to my window and cried thinking that I was going to die. My eyes started to droop and I was almost in complete darkness when I felt myself being lifted up. Then all darkness consumed me. 


Alex's P.O.V. 

I stood there as she walked to the bathroom. I couldn't believe I told her. I told her I loved her. I put our stuff in the bus and looked at the time. She's been in the bathroom for 20 minutes now I should go make sure she's ok. I got off the bus and saw a white rapist van speed out of the parking lot. I chuckled to myself thinking what are the odds of a rapist and a stalker being at the concert. I then realized that something could've happened to Emma so I ran the rest of the way to the girls bathroom and knocked just in case. Nobody answered so I went in and looked under the stalls to find nobody was in there and that's when I started to panick. I ran back to the bus just to make sure she hadn't slipped past me on my way back inside. I got on, breathing heavily due to my panick attack and running, and everyone turned to look at me. "Did Emma come back?" I asked trying not to freak out again. They all shook their heads and I sat down and put my head in my hands in my head. "How could I be so stupid! This is all my fault I should've walked with her!" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy then Scooter asked "Alex slow down where's Emma?" I shook my head as a tear slid down my face. "She's gone Scoot he took her." Scooter grabbed his phone and started talking to random people while I broke down. Grant, Casey, and Rob all came and sat with me trying to reassure me that everything was gonna be ok but no matter what they said I couldn't help but blame myself. Scooter came back over to us and said "Were gonna go over to the police station and give them statements. Wait where's Victor?" We all shrugged not knowing where he went after concerts. Scooter looked worries then said "Ok lets get down to the station so they can start looking for her."  


Its been three days since Emma got kidnapped and I haven't slept since. I know I should but I just can't thinking that something happened to her. All of a sudden a the Detective Withers who's been looking for Emma burst out oof his office and told us all to get in his car. No one questioned him until we were all settled in. "What's going. on Detective?" Scooter asked. "We got a lead on Emma's whereabouts. An anonymous caller called in and said they had seen the suspect Victor coming out of an abandoned hotel downtown and then someone called in that the same building was on fire." I sucked in quickly praying that she would be ok. We got there in time to see the fire fighters bringing a body out of the building. As soon as the car had stopped I ran to the stretcher they put the body on and looked at it. It was Emma. "Is she dead?" I asked one of the paramedics that were strapping her to the stretcher. "No she's just unconscious but we need to get her to the hospital ASAP." I nodded them quickly asked with tears in my eyes "Can I ride with her?" The medic looked at me then nodded. They put her in and I climbed in after them and held her hand the whole way to the hospital. It seemed like hours before we got there but it was really only 5 minutes. They pulled her out and not once did I let go of her hand until they pushed her in a room and told me I needed to wait in the waiting room. Scooter and the guys just getting there when I sat down saw me and hurried to ask what happened. I told them all I knew then we waited for another hour before a docters came out. I stood up quickly and asked "How is she docters?" He looked up at me tired and said "She's gonna be just fine. At the moment she's in a coma due to trauma and to much inhaling of the smoke. There's also another thing but don't do anything irrational about what I'm going to tell you ok?" We all nodded relieved that she was ok but anxious about what he was going to tell us. "She was raped multiple times. Were running a pregnancy test at the moment but it does look as if she's pregnant." I looked at him trying to process what he just said. I couldn't believe that b***tard had raped her! When I get my hands on him he is so dead! I looked around at the other guys to see that they all had the same look as me. No one could believe that someone would hurt our Emma. She was like a sister to all of them. "Can we see her?" Scooter finally asked. The docters nodded and told us her room number. We all walked in and sat down in the chairs watching and waiting for her to wake up.

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