Actual meaning of Chutiya by Miss Attractive -
Chu - It's a word of Greek origin meaning 'Lovely'Tiya - It's a word of Greek origin meaning 'men'
Conclusion :
Chutiya = Lovely men
#Harsh*t #Anmol #Kanha #Shibtain #Ayan #Rhythm and all the boys of my class.
Did you guys understand why I put a star in the first name?
If yes, then you are also
Scroll a bit more...
Once more I promise
Last time once more
Then you are also Chutiya!
And the people who didn't understand....
You are Harsh*t only. XD
The Chutiyapa Book
RandomHell I mean hello my pieces of shi- I mean pieces of shimmering chocolates! This book is filled with Condom- I mean content which is random! I can't do anything with your perverted mind kiddos! ??? Offended Already? Then this book is not meant f...