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An alien from Mars landed on India to learn english.
In the maths class, the teacher asked what is 97+15?
The while class shouted "Me! Me! Me! "
The alien wrote it in his notebook.

In the lunch break, the alien saw the cleaner singing "Knives, forks and spoons". The alien wrote it down in his notebook.

In the science period, the teacher told the class "We are going to the lab! ".
The class yelled "Yay!! " . The alien wrote it down in his notebook.

While returning to Mars in his spaceship, the alien saw a dead body surrounding with some people and police.

He went to that place.
The police asked "Who killed this person? "
"Me! Me! Me! " , the alien yelled.
"With what did you kill the person?"
"Knives, forks and spoon!" The alien yelled again.
"You are under arrest!"
"Yay!" said the alien.

Guess who that alien is?

This great person,


I mean this great alien came to be known as Kim Taehyung in the future.

Moral of the story : Chutiyapa is the one of the big step to success.
(Lol since when did it become the moral values book?)

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