4: Remember Me?

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Park Jisung
Hey! How's your day.


Park Jisung
Fine? Just fine? Like
nothing else?

Yes. Just fine, just like any normal
days. Its fine.

Park Jisung
Alright if you say so :)

Since when did you send smileys?

Park Jisung
Hmm, today!


Park Jisung
Well Haewonie, I have
to ask something. Don't think
I'm stalker, please.

Um, ok?

Park Jisung
Where do you live?
Please don't think I'll stalk
you! Please don't block me.

Well, first I won't block you.
But I have a 10% feeling you're
gonna stalk me. And I live in Seoul.

Park Jisung
Oh!!! Really?! I live
in Seoul too!

Ok, well I have something to do. Bye.

Park Jisung
Ok, text you later! :)


Haewon placed her phone on her table and grabbed her notes. She started to study the lectures she wrote. She doesn't know who taught her, but she somewhat feels that the person is familiar.

That person also saw her drawing. Haewon doesn't show anyone her drawings, just herself. She wanted to be a photographer, but she wanted to save up first for her future before she buy one.

Suddenly she heard her phone beeped. I think that's Jisung. She thought.


Unknown number
Haewon, how are you?

Who are you? How do
you know me?

Unknown number
Oh I forgot to say that I
changed my number. So you're
probably wondering who am I,

Yes, so please tell me
who are you.

Unknown number
Haewon, its me Juwon...

Unknown number
Do you still, remember me?

Unknown number
I miss you.

My First and Last ➸ Park JisungWhere stories live. Discover now