25: Christmas Confession

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Merry Christmas, Haewon-ah!

Merry Christmas too, Jisunggie

So what are your plans?

I'm not really sure, I can't think
of any activities to do today, what about

What about I'll help you? It's still
early in the morning, so yeah~.

It's literally 3 in the morning

I know right

So what do you have in mind?

Hmm, what about a date?

And what kind of date?

Lemme think...

Wait, never mind that.
What about a picnic? With NCT dream?
You can bring Jia with you, if you want

I'll go ask her, wait up


So, what did she say?

She said she'll come. So when and where?

What about at the Han River, 1 PM?

Sounds good to me.

We'll see you there!

Yep, see you too


I turned my phone off happily and put it beside me as I fall asleep again with a smile on my face.


It's 12:30 PM, I'm already putting my shoes on while the others were starting to change. Its not obvious that I'm excited, right?

I exited my room and sat down at the couch, waiting for the others to come out. Just in time, Jeno hyung came out of his room. "Hey Jisung" He greeted me with his eye smile, while I just greeted him back with a smile.

"Is Haewon coming?" He suddenly asked, making me look at him again. "Yeah, she's with Jia" He nodded and sat on the couch as well. He took a deep breath and faced me. "Good luck"

He showed me one last smile, stood up and walked outside. What was that 'good luck' for?


"She said they're nearly here" Jaemin hyung said and putted his phone down. We placed the picnic mat down and put the bags that has chips and others things on it.

I looked over my watch, 12:57 PM, its almost 1 PM, they should be here anytime.

12:58... 12:59... 1:00--

"We're here!" I heard the voice that I'm waiting for, and that smile. "What foods did you guys brought?" She asked and sat down the mat as Jia joined her. It looks like they're getting quite close, that's good.

"Hmm, we got chips, sandwiches, chickens and some beverages" Renjun hyung said while holding his chin, pretending to think. "Waah~ cool!" She exclaimed and clapped. "This is amazing to be honest, we're celebrating with Haewon and her new friend, Jia" Jaemin hyung spoke up, while Haewon just nodded her head shyly.

"Really? Why?" Jia asked him. "She likes being alone on her apartment. Last year I went there and celebrated with her" He explained, Haewon just laughed at what he said, on the other hand Jia was nodding at him for the information she was given.

We were all laughing at Jaemin hyung because he's continuing on telling stories about the past Haewon.


It was already 6 PM, its a little dark and we were playing activities and such things so that we won't get bored. I was just sitting on the grass, and I could literally hear Chenle hyung's laugh from here, and he was like a little far away from me.

"Jisunggie!" I heard my name being called by that voice I would always wanna hear. I hummed and looked at her, wait let me rephrase that, I tried to look at her. I can't just look at her without feeling myself blushing. "Thanks for thinking about this picnic, if not, I would totally be spending my Christmas at my apartment" She chuckled which made me look the other way. Calm yourself, Park Jisung, you still have something to do.

"A-Ah, by the way. Do y-you have a-anything to do r-right now?" I asked, nervously. Don't stutter! Please! "Well, I just got eliminated from the game, so yeah I have nothing to do right now, but why ask?" I gotta tell you something important.

"Mind if you accompany me?" Thank you, you didn't stutter. "Where?" She asked and tilted her head, cute. "J-Just going to walk o-over there" I pointed somewhere with my head down. You stuttered again, Jisung! "Okay~ lets go!" She pulled me up and we started walking.


"Hey uh, Haewon" I started clearing my throat and faced her. She hummed and yes without turning at me, she's admiring the Han River, while me? I'm admiring her. "I would like to tell you something" Now, she faced me with the curiosity on her face.

"I-I..." She was quiet, probably waiting for me to continue. "I-I like..." Come on! You can do this.

I took a deep breath and smiled sweetly at her, I tried to gain courage and spoke up. "Kim Haewon, I like you"


Hope you guys liked this chapter! I made it longer for you guys to enjoy it <3.

Merry Christmas! 💚

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