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Bae Irene

Kim taehyung

Hey taehyung..

Hey irene

What i comment in facebook
Is all true taehyung.. I like you

Im sorry but the feelings
Are not mutual

But i love you

And i dont love you
Because i love
Somebody else

Can i be that somebody

Im really sorry but its not..
I just idealize you
But it doesnt mean i like

Because of who? That jennie?

How do you know?

Cause i can see it in your eyes.
The way you look at her!
I saw it last inkigayo performance!
When they are in the table
Next to you and you look at
Her with all your feelings!
But, she just idealize you
And nothing more so dont
Expect so much.. She will
Not like you over your alien planet.

Shut the fuck up irene
Feelings can be change!

Lets see taehyung! Time will
Come that your going to be mine!
I will make jennie's life miserable

Fuck you irene..
Stop this shit!

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