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Garden date

Jennie's POV

Im on my way to the park where me and taehyung are going to meet...

Well im pretty excited at the same time, im nervous because i will tell him what i really f--

Oppsszx..  My phone vibrated

And its jisoo unnie

Hey jendeukie, im not here at house also the girls.. Me and jin are going to watch a movie in cinema, and i do know you have the spare key if you're the first one who will come home.. Enjoy your date😊✨

Okay eomma chckn..
Enjoy also..😊✨

After texting, the car stop..

"mam, were here" the driver said to me

" thanks sir yg staff" i answered back..

I dont know why.. Even though i know their names, still i call them sir YG staff

Back to reality..

Im walking in a pathway that is full of flowers...

(a/n:  of course jennie.. Its a garden.. Duhh)

Shut up author-nim!

After walking in pathway that is really full of beautiful flowers.. I saw a man standing infront of the tree facing his back..

Im sure its taehyung..

So i walk slowly and call him..

"tae oppa?" i said

"ohh! Hey jennie" taehyung

"hi.. So how are you?" i asked..

"incredibly okay because we meet again" taehyung answered

"so...... Im going to tell you something" i said nervously

"spill it" he said

Were still standing, face to face..

"that i love you.."

Taehyung's POV

"so...... Im going to tell you something" she said nervously

"spill it" i said

Were still standing face to face..

"that i love you..."

My mind went blank..

Im really shock.. That the person i love also feel the same..

"i dont know why.. I know were just besties and nothing more but as long as im with you, im always the luckiest person here in this world.. Im always happy being with you but when i didnt get to talk or meet you, my day is incomplete.. As the day passes by, im falling for you, but still if you're feelings are gone, its okay to me i understand" jennie said

Im totally speechless and shocked!

My mind is still blank..

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