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Jungkook's POV

Arrgghh i cant even think clearly..

"aiishh, jungkook can you please calm down!" jin hyung

"how can i calm down if her life is in danger?" me

"she's in the hospital right now" namjoon hyung

"but still there is a posibility that she'll not wake up or not remember me" me

"calm down, think positive okay?" suga hyung

"negative thoughts can lead to negative results so just calm down" namjoon hyung

Few minutes after, we already arrived to the hospital.. We rushed ourselves to find lisa's room..

As soon we reach our destination, i was greeted by jennie noona, jisoo noona and chae's slap...

On the other hand, tzuyu was silently watching her sister laying comfortably in the bed...

"look what you've done to her!" jennie noona yell at me..

"im sorry.." i said as i bow down

"sorry cant wake her up" jisoo noona said to me calmly but full of anger, any time she will burst out..

I didnt realize that water is falling down from my eye..

(a/n: it does mean he's crying😂)

"we cant forgive you unless she forgive you" chae said as she run away crying.. So jimin hyung follow her..

Jisoo noona also walk away while jin hyung was comforting her..

The rap line went out to buy something

And jennie noona just sat down on the seats while taehyung also sat down a little far away from jennie noona..

I head inside the room where lisa was confined..

I sat down on the chair that is placed on the side of the bed.. Tzuyu is also in the other side..

Silence and akwardness is felt over the room until tzuyu broke it..

"do you stop your feelings for me now?" she ask.

"i dont know" me

"you hurt her... You shatter her heart into pieces. You didnt feel any of her love?" tzuyu

"no" me

"im feeling it... I really didnt know that she loves you but the way she care for you, the way she do everything for you, its the sign that she loves you but you can't see any of it because you're focusing on a person, me rather that was already in a relationship..." she said to me

I felt sudden guilt...

"im really sorry.. I really cant choose.." me

"what do you mean you cant choose?" she ask me

"i love lisa, at the same time i like you... I was afraid lisa cant love me back.. Until i hear something that you have a crush on me so i took the opportunity to confess to you and i asked help from lisa and she said it was fine to her but it was too late... You're already in a relationship... Until again, i knew lisa love me.. But it was too late, i already hurt her and brought a disaster like this...." i said crying..

"you know, the word 'love' is powerful than the word 'like'.. I do have a crush on you but it doesnt mean i also like you... And why do you need to find someone else if its already in front of you?" she said to me.. "and in love, the worst thing a person can do is to be afraid, to be scared.. If you love the person, said it to her, if she cant love back, accept it.. We cant control someones life... Just be sure enough than thinking negative thoughts..."

"thank you for the advice.. Whe she wake up, i will not be afraid to tell her how much i love her..." i said to her confidently..

Taehyung's POV

Im so stupid... Saying words to her like that..

I didnt mean any of it, im just stressed at that time...

Be confident taehyung... You can do it..

"umm jennie"

Ughhh! She ignore me! So stupid taehyung!

"jennie, can you please give me a chance? I'll explain anything.."

She's like she cant hear me, he cant see me...

"i know i hurt you a lot saying those things to you.. But that time, im really out of my mind.. I cant think clearly.. Im so stupid i said those words to you... And i really regret it... Please, im begging you... Can we go back on where we used to be? Im begging you for a second chance... Promise i'll do anything... I really love you... Im so sorry"

She stand up and walk..
She's still angry at me...

But i was really shock when..............

She stopped infront of me and seat beside me..

"i already forgave you.. I made mistake too, i was over acting that time... Im also sorry.. And i love you too" she said...

I blushed

"blushing like that" she said to me annoyingly..

She hug me really tight...

Few minutes later, everybody came back on our place..

We head inside the room where lisa was confined... We sat on the sofa...

"hyung, noona" jungkook spoke up.. "im sorry for what i've done to lisa, i know im a stupid person... Im really sorry... I also love lisa but i'm so afraid she cant love me back but now, i already know, i will not be scared to shout tp the world what i really feel for her.."

He suddenly stop when he notice that everybody was smiling..

"why are you smiling like that?" he ask

"we already forgave you..." jennie replied..

"but why are you all smiling like an idiot?" jungkook ask us again..

"look behind" rosé exclaimed..

"lisa?" jk


"do you hear all that i said?" jk


"shit" jk

"im already awake when you and my sister are talking.. Im just pretending asleep at that time"

"holy madah fucker"

"so you love me"

"is this a flirting show?" yoongi hyung

"shut up.." jisoo

"yeah? I love you.."

"so lisa is not in coma?"

"yeahh.. The author of this story is just OA" lisa

(a/n: sorry na)

"stop that flirty thingy, rest first lisa, you're not strong enough" rosé

"okay unnie"

What a day...

Everything is now back to normal...

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