Trials and tribulations of a nurse

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Have you ever stared at a computer screen so long your eyes want to bleed? I have been working non stop for three days straight but do I get a break? No, because that would be too easy, instead the other girls around here try all they can to get me fired or wear me down till I quit.

They’re going to have to work a lot harder if they want me to crack, this is my first real job as a nurse and ill be damned if I’m fired because I don’t want to be buddy buddy with a bunch of cackling hens. I wasn’t Miss popular in high school so I’m fine not being everyone’s favorite now, but a little less venom would be nice.

   “Victoria! Did I or did I not tell you to reschedule those patients?!” Ugh speak of the devil, the head hen herself, Emily. Emily is the type of women who thinks of herself higher than everyone, you can just tell that she was a queen bee in high school and still thinks that it means something, yeah that kind of stuck up boss you have fantasies of drop kicking off a cliff. I mean when I first got hear she was all, Oh lets be the best of friends but as soon as I made it clear I wasn't a gossipy hen like type it was stink eye city from then on.

Sometimess I look back on how I started out in highschool in a college/ high school. Nothing really changes, sure more responsibility but there will always be those people who act just like in high schol with their little head games,

If you haven't noticed I wasn't the most peoply person in high school in fact I was that girl who didn't have time to care i was getting a start on my life. I wasn't invited to parties or asked to prom, I didn't have the time in my eyes those things were unnessisary distractions, and I had NO time for those... 

Anywho, I haven't changed that much,sure, I have more of an openness to relationships but all thats come my way so far are scumballs and backstabbers. I'm not as upset as i should be about it i think, I'm 25 and have my life on track so I should have something AMAZING waiting for me, right? 

As I was lost in my thoughts I hadn't heard the cackling growing louder behind me. Finally i had noticed the elephant in the room only to turn around to the queen bee squad of the office. " Well well well, is your brain back in your head yet?" one of the queens bees sneered. Ughh so it is going to be one of THOSE days... " Yes I'm fine now" I said with a smile imagining scenarios where all of them fall of a cliff.

"Well if you haven't noticed we have a new doctor coming in and we would like to keep you from scaring him off with your mentally challenged problems" Emily said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes, I could think circles around her underdeveloped ballon of a brain but I kept my mouth shut and just kept smiling.

Like mother always says, kill em' with kindness, of course my mom is full Sciclian and thats not the only thing she'd kill them with but for the office it was fine. They were so stupid they thought i just didn't get the insults, instead I'd keep on smiling and being polite, really screws with them because they don't know what to say, their stunned stupid faces are enough to make my day.  

Trials and tribulations of a nurseWhere stories live. Discover now