Trials and tribulations of a nurse

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"Soo, what can i expect from this office?" Dr. Blake asked after we had finished with setting up his office. I thought about telling him exactly what I REALLY thought but I didn't want him to think of me as just another catty female. So I just said," All is pretty good around here, everyone gets along great" I cringed at the epically huge lie, hopefully  he didn't notce. " Really?" he asked sceptical of my words, crap, " Because while I was in the waiting room it didn't sound that way" so he heard? Ugh...

 " Fine so I'm not really liked around here because I'm not like the rest of the women here" I sighed. He turned to look at me with a amused gaze,"Well I could plainly see that, you're more mature and professional, I like that" he chuckled. I laughed, maybe my work wouldn't be so bad after all, or maybe this doctor is a sleaze like everyone else  the voice inside my head wispered.

I frowned was the kind act all a game so he'd trick me into sleeping with him? I've had friends that have had doctors that have tried things with them...I don't want that to be true with this one, maybe I'm just being paranoid and crazy about this, Ishould just be  happy and stop over analyzing things. I quickly shook those thoughts off and started friendly chat with my new Doctor,

 "So Dr. Blake do you have a girlfriend?"I asked as we wallked out of his office, thats when I realized the office was dead quite,and as I looked around I found out why, every girl in the office was waiting for his answer expectantly. Ugh did they seriously had to act this way? They practically drooled at the sight of him, he looked at me and said " Please call me Damian, and no, no girlfriend,and no wife"

I could feel the implosion about to happen in the office girls skulls already, tomorrow they'd pull out all the stops no doubt, low cut shirts, tons of makeup, the usual thing they do when they want to snag a doctor or any other living thing that comes in the door. I smiled as I walked by them with Dr. Bla- opps I mean Damian, it was like he hadn't noticed that time stood still as he walked by them he just kept on talking to me about how great it is down here in Flordia and how he hated snow, usual small talk.

 I laughed with him when he told me about getting lost on the way here, and I swear I heard growling from the direction the Bee squad was at. The day went on as normal I helped Damian do rouds and paperwork and before we knew it, it was already lunch time. " Would you care to have lunch with me Ms. Polizzi?" Damian asked I laughed and said "Call me Victoria, and sure I would, I'm starving"

We walked into luch and I could see the Bee corner growing more pissy by the second, too bad, I'm his nurse not you * mentally sticks tounge out* we sat down and started eating, not soon after he started quizzing me on myself. " So do you have a special man in your life at the moment?" I nearly snorted at that, " Nope, I've never really had a "special" enough guy come along for me to be interested"

His eyebrows shot up in surprize. Great now he thinks I'm a stuck up arse I thought to myself, way to go there, but to my surprize he answered " You have high standards, thats a vey good quality in a women" Wow this guy is all around perfect... there has to be a catch somewhere... But I can't put my finger on what it is. Maybe he's a serial killer or something? Mad scientist? Pervert? Vampire? Okay that last one was far fenched but I'm still leaving it on the table for precausionary measures, but I KNOW theres something different about him, HES TOO PERFECT

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