trials and tribulations of a nurse

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He just stared at me laughing and didn't finish. It infuriated me that he kept stopping, it's like pulling teeth trying to get him to tell me everything! So finally I had had enough, "WHAT IS IT???YOU KEEP STOPPING!!!" I yelled agitated beyond belief. That just seemed to make him laugh more than ever, at this point I was seriously questioning his sanity, 

"Victoria, I am a 25 year old man, no children, no wife, never had a girlfriend, you put the pieces  together" he chuckled at my confused scowl and sighed " You really are that innocent, Victoria I am gay, I was hoping you'd actually find out yourself but seeing as though you're so innocent I shouldn't have expected you would"

 Okay, either I'm an idiot or he's lying, but then I put the pieces together...always smelled good, utterly incredibly handsome, kind, sweet, didn't seem to really care about the women in the office.But what did I know? I have never meet anyone who was gay, for all I know this is just a coverup.I ran the facts over in my mind about 12 times before I came to the conclusion that he's telling the truth, along with the genuine look in his eyes and with that I laughed.

 I knew it too good to be true, why are all the good ones gay? He looked puzzled by my reaction, so I quickly explained, " I was just thinking about why all the good men are gay, and why I didn't see this sooner" Now he laughed, we just sat there a while trying to catch our breaths from laughing so hard. Once we finally had a hold  of ourselves I wanted to know some things. 

"So Damian, do you want to keep yourself a secret? Not like I'd tell anyone around here, I just would like to know" He smiled and said"If it comes out it comes out, I'm not afraid, my parents know and they approve of me and everything, they are very proud" I laughed his parents sound really loving.

  " So Victoria, am I the first gay person you've ever met?" I blushed, embarassed by my ignorance in the matter but nodded my head. He laughed and looked at me, " Well now we can be besties!" he squealed in a mock valley girl accent that sent me into another fit of histarical giggling. " No but seriously, I really want us to be friends, if thats okay with you" he asked coyly.

I sent him a fake frown, "Well I don't know...." he made a fake teary eyed look aimed for me, I looked around then decided the silence was long enough before I turned around  and sighed "finne" he squealed again making me laugh so hard my belly hurt, we both laughed histarically together as we hugged and exchanged numbers. 

"Well I'm looking forward to texting you bestie" Damian giggled as he got into his Mustang, I giggled also "Bye Damian I'll see you tomorrow" and with that we both were heading home.As I got into my car my stomach growled. I guess laughing made you hungry,I laughed to myself as I mauled over my day and smiled to myself, I finally may have a friend that I can really be friends with, I was giddy over the idea and did the only thing that you do when you have had an exciting day and your tummy is growling.

I went to my  mom's house. 

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