Leading To The Cave (Part 2)

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The story will continue with only Zen and Shirayuki part till the end.

Yuki, while walking, heard her mother's voice calling out to her. She ran in order to not to let the voice escape and Zen followed closely behind her. And what they saw was unimaginable.

Yuki saw that her mother was young and was about to give birth to baby.

(Zen and Yuki were both stunned as they were not prepared for this and didn't utter a word)

The woman soon gave birth to a girl with red hair. It was her. The news of the baby soon filled the castle with joy and happiness. The woman was the Queen of the palace of Nuclaris. 

These all flashbacks happened in a series like the one Yuki had before. The only difference was that this one was far more real.

The baby was held by the nurse who soon gave it to the king. (Yuki gasped," Father".) The king held the baby in his hand and went to the balcony to announce the happiness to the people. The villagers were eagerly waiting for the news. The next scene showed that the royal family was inside their room. The Queen held the baby in her hand who was in King's lap. The king was trying wake up the baby

The next showed that the king had called out for a ball in which along with royals, the villagers too were welcomed. In the ball along with other kings and queens, The king of Clariness(Zen's grandfather) too was present. He kept on giving jealous glances to the king and the ball room. The kingdom of Nuclaris was bigger and wealthier than that of Clariness. In the middle of the dance, the ball room got fired. It was Zen's grandfather doing. The king of Nuclaris tried to save as many people as possible but few died. The next scene showed the queen, the king and the baby(who was held by the queen) were in front of the castle's main gates. The king kept on pleading his wife to move away from the castle with the baby and also was promising that he will join them as soon as possible. The queen kept on refusing him till he said," Please move away for our baby.". The queen agreed and ran away. She kept on looking back. 

The king went inside the castle to check if someone was left in the castle. He saw that a small child was left and was hiding under one of the ballroom tables. The next showed that the king saved the boy but was he was dead. His last words were," Please live a happy life my beloved and my child. I am terribly sorry for leaving you alone."

Please imagine them a bit old

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Please imagine them a bit old.

Shirayuki burst into tears. Zen wanted to comfort but was not able to touch her because of his guiltiness. Then suddenly 2 figures appeared in front of them. 

Her mother said," Don't cry my baby, I don't like your tears.". 

Yuki moved up her head and was now standing. Yuki tried touching his parents but was unable to do so. Yuki asked,"Wh-y you ne-ver to-ld m-e?".

 Her mother replied,"Because I never wanted to see you in the state in which you are now. And also I was the one who was responsible for our to catch fire. Because some people know my identity and were then coming to kill me and you. "

Her father commanded," Listen zen"

Zen took an attention position and said," Yes sir"

Her father continued," I want you to take care of my daughter. You have to pay your grandfather's deed."

Zen and Yuki exclaimed," WHAT!!"                  

Her father,"Yes we had come to tell you this only" 

Her mother,"Right you two must stay with each other. I know we must have shocked you bu saying this but we think that you two are really made for each other."

Her mother and father started disappearing. 

Yuki pleaded ,"Please don't go. Stay with me. I want you by my side. "

Her mother said softly,"Sorry my girl it's our time to go but don't worry we will always stay with you forever in your heart. With this they disappeared.

As soon as they were gone Zen hugged Yuki

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As soon as they were gone Zen hugged Yuki.

In her ears he asked,"Will you be by my side? Will you stay with me?"

She broke in his embrace and kept on shouting," Yes! Yes! I will! I will!".

They both tightly hugged each other.

Soon from somewhere came Mitsuide's voice," At last we found you guys!"

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Soon from somewhere came Mitsuide's voice," At last we found you guys!"

Kiki nudged him with her elbow and said," What a interrupter?" to which Obi chuckled and Zen and Yuki broke their hug.

Zen said," Let's go." and took her hand.

She tried walking and was about to fall but instead she was captured by Zen's arms.

She said,"I don't have any strength left."  

  Zen held her up in his arms and said," Don't worry I have promised to stay with you till the end of our lives.". She blushed.

Mitsuide, Kiki and Obi smiled to each while looking at the couple. All of them started walking and were out of the cave. They were ready for their new adventures together.  

The End

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