Topher's Life

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A/N: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, I never quite payed attention to Topher. Other people in the story: Samey/Sammy (You'll understand)           

      Topher's P.O.V.

I sigh into my pillow. 'You were this close to becoming host, Topher,' I thought to myself. 'You could be living in a mansion like Chris, instead of this stupid apartment.' I look around, and walk into the livingroom to watch the show. But, I hear loud sobbing from upstairs. "Ugggggh! You never get peace and quiet around here!" I growl, making my way up the stairs to see what's wrong. I knock on the door, no answer, just more crying. "I'm coming in, don't swing." I announce, making my way into the apartment. Sounds come from the hallway, and I follow it. To see the blonde cheerleader from TDPI. "Um, hi." I whisper. "Ahh! Wh-what ar-re you d-doing here?" She exclaims, trying to choke back the tears. "I came to see who was crying." I say, scanning her face to see who it was. "Well... I-I am." Samey cries out, sobbing into her hands. "What happened, Sammy ?"I ask. "Y-You used m-my r-real name." She says, practically dumbfounded. I nod, and sit next to her on her bed. "Yes, you deserve that. Now, what's the matter?" Her lips begin to quiver and she starts babbling about happened. "AmytookmyphoneandtoldmeIwasgoingtounderstandwhatit'sliketohavesomeoneimpersonateyou, and sh-she disguised as me and t-took a picture naked, and sent it to EVERYB-BODYYY!" She screamed. My jaw drops. "That... is... I can't even imagine." I get out, still comepletly shocked. "Now, everyone probably hates me and thinks I'm a whore!" She exclaims. "Well, I can't get the picture back, but I'll protect you. I will not let ANYBODY, hurt you ever." I tell her wrapping my arms around her tightly. "Thank you..." She replies, returning the hug.

                {10 years later}

"Mummummummuma!" One of the twin boys squealed. Sammy smiled at one-year old. "Close enough, Toby." She whispered, patting his head. That's right, one of the twins grew up to have twins. Little one-year olds, Toby and Jonathan. She made sure to make the names sound differently so they wouldn't go through what she did. "You're so good with kids." Topher commented, trying to get Jonathan to stop crying. "It's a gift." She chuckled, looking at the kids. Both of them had pinkish skin, and blonde hair. A mixture of both of the parents, though, people say they look like Sammy. Topher turned out to be the host of a different show, and Sammy was a child psychologist. They raised to healthy, happy twins. (Who actually, got along)

A/N: I never realized, how #Scute they would be as a couple! Hope you guys are happy! A Shasmine/Jawn story will be on the way! Comment what you want after that!

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