Scarlett's Life

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A/N: Yeah... there's gonna be some Scax in here. I wasn't to sure on what to do. I was considering making Harold her brother, but... Anyway, onto the story

                                                                               Scarett's P.O.V.

"I can't believe that bafoon cost me the million!" I thought, slumping onto my couch. I was expecting to calm myself down with a little TV, but of course, Total Drama Pahkitew Island was on. It was Max, freaking out over the bedbugs. "SIDEKICK! CLEAN MY BED AT ONCE!" Max yelled. I twitched hearing him call me that. I hate the name "sidekick", if anything he was MY sidekick. I throw a pillow at the Max's virtual face, and of course nothing happens. I hear the knock on the door, probably my mother. I swing it open, only to find the purple-haired boy infront of me. "Hi Scarlett..." He said, softly. "I thought it was 'sidekick'." I spat. "No... it's Scarlett." He whispered, twidling his thumbs. "How did you figure out where I live?" I asked, annoyed. "Total Drama Website, I wanted to tell you something." He said, looking up at me with pleading eyes. I narrow mine, and yell, "What is that?! That you cost me the million and treated me like garbage?!" Tears started to fill my eyes. "No... I'm, sorry. I should've left you alone and treated you better. I know the apology is too late but I am sorry." I stare at him, almost like I'm staring into his soul. "Fine. You're sorry." I whisper. "Do you... you know, forgive me?" He asked, tears beginning to fill his own eyes. "It'll take awhile Max, and I thought evil never cries?" I taunt, with a smirk spread across my face. "They do when they feel bad." He said, with a slight glare. "Is that so?" I say, leaning against the door. He leans towards me, and wraps his arms around me. "Evil hugs." He whispers into my chest. 

                                                                              10 years later

They both came out to be true evil geniuses. Max came up with the ideas, and Scarlett would build. They had no kids, and weren't married. They actually became best friends. Though, Scarlett was pretty sure Max had a crush on her. "Scar! Scar! I thought of something truly evil!" He yelled, papers flying out of his hands. She smiled at the dorky way he said evil. "What is it?" Scarlett asked, quirking an eyebrow. He explained a ridiculous plan, grinning through the whole explanation. "So, what powers it?" She asked. "You'll see." He whispered, anxiously. It had been a couple weeks, and Scarlett had finally finished. "Ok, what do you think!?" She exclaimed, taking her gloves off. "Perfect, and now for the power source..." He announced, spinning Scarlett to face him. "Um, what is it?" She asks, getting nervous. "This." He mumbled, placing a kiss on her lips. No, not a make-out session like Gidgette. No, not something steamy like Gwuncan. Not even something sweet, like Zoke. Just a quick, simple kiss. "Err... it didn't work." She said, gently. "I beg to differ." He replied, with a smirk.

A/N: BAM! I know you're happy if you're a Scax shipper! I do ship it, though, it's one of those couples that seems to just be off to the side. Sorry about the wait! I'll try to do everyone's request as soon as possible.

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