Dave's Life

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A/N: Okay, I was obviously going to start with this. HE IS AMAZING. Love this guy! Anyway, onto the story! Other people in this story: Noah, Ella and Sky (sort of)

                 Dave's P.O.V.

One week. One week since I found out Sky had a boyfriend. One week. One week since I had my heart broken. One week. One week had gone by before Chris came back for me, after leaving me behind. I had escaped Scuba Bear 3.0, and was hiding in the cave I spent the nights in the competition. I finally was saved, but I didn't feel secure at all. I jumped out of the helicopter. He had dropped me off on my street, and of course, my house is at the bottom of it. I sigh beginning my long stroll. 'Why did I audition for that stupid show!?' I thought to myself. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, feeling something hard. (A/N: No, it's not that! You pervy!) I pull it out, and a waves of emotions runs through me. A bottle cap. The bottle cap from the bottle of carbonated water Sky drank. Tears fill my eyes as I throw as far as I can. "Why did you have to hurt me?!" I cry out angerly. It eventually is at my feet, I lift my foot and stomp on it, filled with rage and sorrow.

I walk into my driveway. Luckily, the vans are gone, so they're probably all gone somewhere. When I say all, I mean the ten people I live with. My parents and 8 siblings are cramped into a small house, on a tight budget. Sadly, I'm the middle child. Which is why I'm so shy. I sigh, and walk into the house, take off my shoes and walk into the livingroom. Only to see my 19 year old brother, the second oldest in my family, Noah.

                   Noah's P.O.V.

I stare at him, he looks terrible. Ripped clothes, dirt smeared on his face along with tear stains. I watched the show, and I felt awful for him. He has the same look on his face that I did when I came home from TDWT, when Cody broke up with me to be with Sierra. I go to say something, but am stopped by his loud sobs, he runs over to me and buries his head in my chest. "Shhh, it's okay now." I reassure him, rubbing his back gently. "N-no it's not!" He yells, crying harder. "I know it hurts right now, but it will get better, I promise." I whisper. He looks up at me, with large, innocent eyes. "I-I doubt th-that." It's like a kicked puppy, whimpering and broken-hearted. "Why aren't you with the oth-thers anyway?" He asks. "Because I knew you'd come home like this." I reply. He just nods and walks into his room. It's probably for the best. Crying helps deal with pain.

                  {2 weeks later}

                   Dave's P.O.V.

"Stupid Sky. Stupid Keith." I mumble, looking through her facebook photos. Keith was a jock, a dumb one probably. Sandy blond hair, tan skin and bright blue eyes. I roll my eyes, and stick the finger up at the photo. I sigh, pushing my laptop off my lap. 'You're obsessing Dave.' I think to myself, I go to shut my laptop, but stop music begins to play. "Huh?" I ask. Video-chat request from: Princess1234. I sigh, and click 'Accept'. "Probably a crazy fangirl." I whisper.

Ella's face spreads across the screen. "Hello David." She says, with a sly smile. "Hey Ella, and like I said, you can call me Dave." "Alright." She replies. "Um, you aren't... mad at me are you?" I ask, remembering what she said during her goodbye song. "Of course not!" She exclaims. "Well, I want you to know I'm sorry. I should've been more sensitive." I apologize. "It's quite alright, Dave. How are you holding up with you and Sky?" She asks, sincerely. "Fine, I guess. I'm still mad at her for what she did. But... I-I don't know." I say, as I begin to choke on my words, holding back tears. "Don't cry, David! I still like you!" She argues. I look up, thank god I'm tan, or I'd look like a tomato. Ella, on the other hand, is white as snow, and her face is cherry red. "Er... I'm sure you're not ready for a relationship." She whispers, disapointedly. "No. I'm not ready for a relationship. But when I am, I'll be sure to tell you." I say, winking. She giggles, "Do you really mean it?" She asks, eyes sparkling. I nod. "Promise."

                 {10 years later}

"Daddy! Daddy! Aria won't stop singing!" Jared yells, trying to cover his 4 year old sister's mouth. "Jared, her singing is beautiful like her mother's. You should appreciate it." Dave tells him, chuckling. "Ugh. You're so sappy!" The 7 year old complained. "That's a good thing." Ella says, linking her arm with her husband's. They were inseperable. They're children were similar to them, both of them had black hair, Aria had tan skin while Jared had pale, like his mom. They all grew up to be a very close family, with a wonderful life.

A/N: I know, if you're a fan of Skave you're like: WTF? YOU MORON! But I feel like Dave deserves a girl that will always be true to him. #TeamDella! Also, who should I do next, Topher, Sugar, Shawn or Scarlett?

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