Amy's Life

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A/N: I'm running out of ideas XD. Anyway, I was going to make her a stripper or prostitute. Then I was like mehhhh... So, yeah. This may be disturbing and/or uncomfortable for some readers. Other people: Samey/Sammy, their parents and Eric.

                   7 years ago

                   Amy's P.O.V.

I walk along the sidewalk, by myself. Our grandparents are here, and as always, Sammy is getting all the attention. So I decided to go for a stroll FAR away from them. "Nobody loves me..." I mutter, with an annoyed tone. My eyes well up with tears. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I whip around. "Hello there." A middle aged man with ginger hair greets. "What's the matter?" "Who are you?!" I exclaim, backing away so his hand would fall off. "My name is Eric, and who might you be?" He asks with a warm smile. I seem to relax with his gentle voice. "My name's Amy." I reply, blinking the tears away. "Why are you crying?" He asks, brushing a tear from my cheeks. "Because no one loves me..." I mumble. "Well, I'm sure if I get to know you, I'll love you to death!" He chuckles. I stroke my arm nervously. "Well... Even though you seem to be nice, I'm not really supposed to talk to strangers." I explain. "If you get to know me, I won't be a stranger!" He says, with a big grin. I smile back, he seems like a great guy. I'm sure it would be fine if I talked to him for a little while.

For the past 4 months, I would go every weekend to visit him. I never told my parents, knowing they would freak out. But then came that awful day... "Hey Eric!" I exclaim, coming in through his front door. He slams it shut, and locks it. "Woah! What's up with you?" I say, becoming frightened since it's just me and him. "Come with me." He orders, grabbing my wrist. "W-why?! What are we doing?!" I ask, trembling. "Something fun." He replies, with an unforgetable devious smile. He brings me into his room and once again locked the door. He sorted through a box not letting go of me. He took a pair of handcuffs out, and attached them to my wrists. "We wouldn't happen to be playing 'Cops', would we?" I squeak, knowing that I was being denial. "No." I look into his once pleasant gray eyes, which now look black and souless. He unbuttons his pants and pulls them down, then doing the same with mine. "I know what you're doing." I thought, not wanting him to yell at me. I can't remember what it's called, but I've heard about it. Mommy said it's terrible, and no one should ever have to go through it. "But I do." I thought, tears begin to fall down my face. I'm comepletly naked now and so is he. "I-I don't want to d-do this! Please, please! Let me g-g-goooo!" I cry, feeling my face begin to get sticky from the tears. A stinging tingle spreads through my face. His palm is bright pink now. "He slapped you." "Stop being such a baby and turn around." He commands. "No." I whisper. "I'm sorry, let's try this again." He says, pulling out a gun from the box. "Turn. Around. NOW." I cry harder as I slowly turn so my back is facing him.

A/N: This is where stuck gets... sexual. So Ima just skip this part. Because this is a smut free zone. But only here ;D.

He let me go after. But gave me a warning. If I told he would do it everyday, for the rest of my life. It was my fault. I was stupid enough to trust him. I never talked to him again. THAT was the day I decided, NOBODY, WAS EVER, GOING TO PUSH ME AROUND AGAIN.


I sit on my bed, facing away from Samey. "This is all you're fault." I growl. "WHAT?! IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU WERE SO MEAN TO ME! JUST LIKE ALWAYS!" She screams. I roll my eyes. "You act like you don't deserve it." I reply. "WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!" "YOU WERE BORN, SAMEY! IF YOU WEREN'T BORN, MAYBE I WOULDN'T MAKE YOUR LIFE SO SHITTY!" "THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU A REASON TO HATE ME AND FOR THE LAST TIME, MY NAME IS SAMMY!" She screeches, before lunging towards me. She knocks me off my bed, making me smash my head on the floor. She delivers a backhand across my face. Reminding me of what Eric did... "You! Have a PERFECT life!" She yells, slapping again. "Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH?!" I yell back throwing her off me. "No way is worse then me!" She shrieks as I tackle her. "WELL I WAS...!" I scream, realizing what I said, I pick myself off of her and sit back on my bed, covering my face. "W-what is it?" She asks, sitting next to me. "I was... raped." I answer. "Why wouldn't you have told me?" "Because you never took the chance to get to know me." I reply, tears beginning to fall on my hands. "Amy, I didn't know." "Just forget I said anything. I don't want to talk about it." "I'm... sorry." She says, pulling me into a hug. We haven't hugged in 10 years. I just sit there, stunned. I slowly bring my hands up, wrapping them Samey. "N-no, I'm sorry." I correct, squeezing her tightly. "Let's... start over." She suggests."Starting over? Acting like none of this ever happened..." "I'm Sammy."

                10 years later...

I sit on the floor, playing with one of Sammy's little boys. "Where's Mommy?" I ask. He looks from side to side and shrugs. "I no know, outsi maybe." He replies. I kiss his cheek. "You're some cute." I don't have kids, or a spouse. I'm all by myself. Which is fine, Sammy let's me visit. I'm a cheerleading coach now. So I get to see plenty of children. Samey walks in with Jonathan. "Hey Amy, I found a guy, he was from an earlier season of TD, his name's Trent. He seems into you! I got his number for you. I checked, and it's NOT a fake number." She explains, handing me a slip of paper. "999-9999? What?" I say, quirking an eyebrow. "I don't know. He fixed so that it would be like that." "Hmm." "You should call him." She adds. "Maybe I will."

A/N: Omg. Shittest chap ever. I was trying to get it done. IDK I hate Trent but he needs love. So he won't be cray. Rodney next I think.

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