Shawn's Life

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A/N: Sorry for the wait, I went to get something in the bathroom, and when I turn around, *plop* my phone fell in the damn toilet. So I had to wait 3 days while it sat in rice. I love this Shawmine/Jawn, but decided I would go with a litte twist. Anyway, hope you like it. (I'm sorry the beginning is short) Other people: Jasmine, Shawn's parents

                                                                            Shawn's P.O.V.

"WE DID IT!" I exclaim, a giant grin on my face. Jasmine shakes her head. "No Shawn, you did it." She corrects. "Don't be stupid, you helped, and you're getting half of the money." I reply, patting the silver briefcase. "No! You get your zombie proof home you want!" She argues. "Please, it's not that important." I lie through my teeth. "Oh, quit stalling! I want to meet your parents!" She says, gripping my hand and making her way through my house. My parents are waiting for me with major smiles on there faces. < (Duh) "I'm so proud of you, baby!" My mother squeals, squeezing me tightly. "Th-thanks Mum. You're kinda ch-choking me." I say, pulling myself off of her. "You must be Jasmine." My father points out. She nods. "And what might your name be?" She asks, in her cute little accent. "I'm Doug and this is my wife, Pauline." He replies, wrapping an arm around my mother. "I must say, Shawn is very lucky to have met you." My mother whispers to Jasmine. "I believe we're both lucky to have found eachother, now if you don't mind," She replies giving me a devious smirk. "WE HAVE TO PROTECT THIS HOUSE FROM ZOMBIES!" She yells, picking me up and swing me over her shoulder. "I'm happy I have you, Jaz." I whisper into her ear.

                 {10 years later}

(Prepare for some depressing stuff)

"Daddy! Daddy!" My daughter cries, running towards me. "What is it, Ivy?" I ask, looking down at the 5 year old. "I'm soooo booored." She exclaims, her shoulders slumping. "Well, do you know what today is?" I ask. She shakes her head. "It's Mommy's birthday." I whisper. She gasps in surprise. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe I forgoted!" (Yes, I meant to put forgoted) "Do you wanna go see her?" I ask. "Just gimme a second!" She yells, running out the door. She's just like her mother, dark skin and hair, muscular, beautiful and very intelligent. She runs back in with daisies, she probably found them in the yard. "Come on then!" She squeals, pulling my hand.

We stand in front of her. She places the flowers in front of the tombstone."Happy Birthday..." She mumbles. I try to get a look at her face, but it was a mistake. She was crying and of course, trying to hide it. "I'm sure... I'm sure she loves them." I whisper into her ear. She nods wiping away her tears. "I don't think what she did was worth it..." She chokes. "Don't say that. She would want you to be here. I miss her too." I reassure her. She blames herself for her mother's death. I hate myself for telling her what happened. But, she would've found out eventually. It says on her tombstone; Died with diginity, giving her own life for her child, Ivy. Ivy's all I got now. I don't want love anyone but her or Jasmine. Poor Ivy, she wants a mother more then anything. But I'm not there yet. I probably never will. She sits next to the tombstone, lying her head on it as if it was Jaz's shoulder. "We love you, Mommy." She says. I brush my hand on the top of the tombstone. "Forever."

A/N: If you don't understand, Jasmine dies from birth complications. People who ship this intensly probably want to kill me. But, I read alot of these and Jasmine usually passes away. Any other suggestions for who to do next? Put it in the comments.

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